Pelagos. Is Transgender

I know that you meant it as a joke but get out

Rubbish. Of course it is.

Let me know how that goes.

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It sorta depends, there are people who are truly transgender and those that just larp it.

Most transgender people fall heavily into the “uncomfortable in their own skin”, some don’t. Transgender larpers,a lot of teens and university aged people, make a whole lot of noise about being trans but seemingly bear none of the mental scars.

Anyone arguing the 31 flavors of transgenderism is a larper.

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If they ever come out with decent nanite technology I feel like some of that would change. It’s really hard to create biomechanical things right now though due to so many bans on things which could progress that field.

/emote Yawn :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Boring topic is boring.

WoW is a make-belief world. If players thought it didn’t include trans and whatever characters I would make the argument that you lack imagination.

Trotting out magical woke characters that show Blizzards “commitment” to diversity is an empty marketing ploy. No different than scantily clad-women with physics in fighting games.

PS: oh wow. Found a new censored word. And this one doesn’t make any sense. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


If people want transgender people to be accepted and normalised etc why do they make a big deal about it?
My best mate since childhood is transgender and I don’t call him “[name] my transgender buddy” I just call him “[name]”

How is this a big deal? And until people stop trying to make it a big deal there will never be any kind of normality because its still seen as worthy of note.


This is why I can’t freaking wait for Cyberpunk 2077. I get to be an awesome trans dude with the right parts

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Well we tried being quiet and polite about it and we had to start the Stonewall Riots to finally get the worlds attention



I think people try to make themselves noticed by their label because they are often ignored. I think in a perfect world though these transgender people probably wouldn’t want to be labeled transgender at all but rather the gender they actually feel they are. And treated romantically and every other way as if they was born that way.

Because apparently people need to show off their preferences. As if most human beings actually care about each other’s intimate desires. Never understood it; never will.


Have you ever heard anyone say me and the wife in a guild or group??? There you go. Its not that hard geez. Think about the reference and go from there. I’m not explaining it more than that. :roll_eyes::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I ordered the 2018 E3 closed-door beta statue for way too much money. Got it yesterday. Can’t wait for that damn game.

I often find that it’s the reverse. I have a couple of transgender friends, neither of who go around announcing or even bringing up that they’re transgender on their own, but if it ever ends up coming up in conversation with others, it’s often the others that blow it out of proportion.

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And btw Eunuchs have existed for thousands of years. Its not an excuse but its been done before and on men too. Get over it. :roll_eyes:

:scream: no no no. Just no.

I don’t believe in hell but if i did. That sounds like something a demon would do to torture a sexist.

So does this…

That’s NOT what they do. I’d link a video, but it’s such a normal thing to do, I’d be banned for posting it. Not including what you have to do to yourself, every day, for the rest of your life to keep it open.

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Is it possible that some servers perhaps have less? Because I am really, really tired of curiosity and honest questions being met with ‘the problem is you’ based on nothing but your anecdotal opinion…

My RL best friend of 20 years is trans. She doesn’t advertise it, and no one in our guild had any idea.

You dont speak for the entire community. Maybe practice more tolerance and less baseless accusations.

I’ll bet money there are more LGBT people on proudmoore or moonguard than tichondrius


can people please stop and reflect if this convo is worth it.
No minds will be changed.
Trans people will still be trans.
The kind decent people will still accept them.
And the evil people who are going to hell if its real will still flood this place with hate.

Is this convo worth having?

It might be. There are a lot of people who just do not understand what people who have gender dysphoria suffer. Maybe some will learn something here.