Pelagos. Is Transgender

And guess what? Freedom of Speech doesn’t cover bullying. There’s cyberbullying laws as well

I have drinks tho

That’s a fatal injury, of course that’s devastating, I think you’re missing the message here.


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Then by that same definition if you don’t accept me and my beliefs and world views that would make you a bigot as well. Or can only the “entitled straight white Christian male” be a bigot. At this point I am honestly confused and not in the sexual way.


But do you know how hard it is to style your hair in space?

people seem to forget even though we have freedoms. Those freedoms are limited when it comes to actions that could, or do cause harm. We got a freedom to bare arms but you are not allowed to just point those arms around willy nilly. We have a right to free speech, but you can’t just use those words to create defamation of character and other such things without consequence.


There’s also a heavily powerful mechanic called block user.


It’s like three lines, in one quest.

Less than a page of writing overall.

How exactly is Blizzard flaunting this everywhere they can? How many quests in the game have absolutely no mention of the LGBTQ community versus those that do?

If you’re going to quit over one quest, can I have your stuff?


Oh yeah that goes great when someone is repeatedly making accounts to cyberstalk people

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The exodur (or whatever) had gravity.

Vanilla WoW had you try to find a man’s wife in barrens, had you do so many story quests. Apparently you ignored quest information and focused on “kill 20 boars”

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Then you can private your account to appear to only accept things from friends ect. There is always a way to block out all online hate.

I don’t think trump’s space force will have that kind of tech.

Oh you mean Star Trek? When is he going to launch the Enterprise? Or do you think we will see the Voyager first?

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The difference is, those people cry and complain when others get inclusion, when they have had inclusion the entire time, like those people getting that inclusion takes away from theirs…this is not a pie thought. Them getting a piece doesn’t mean you don’t. It just means they get A piece

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Hmm… alright, we’ll be in the basement then

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sorry using your belief in angels doesn’t mean you can be homophobic. that just makes you…well like the other guy said a bigot. Nobody is oppressing your right to believe in angels.


Actually there have been several stances that blizzard took lately I disagree with, and no you cant dont give people who ask for stuff anything.

And I would argue one very determined toxic individual will find a way. And there have been cases where this happened.

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Still too much tech. For space force I envision that guy who planned to launch his rocket from his trailer.