Peace can only be achieved through strength of arms. The Horde must die

Wow, Camp Taurajo had less than 10 people living there and we have one of them here in the flesh, amazing.


But blomā€™s entire schtick is whining about supposed horde wins?!!?!

Yeah this guy doesnā€™t lore.

It literally had three buildings, two of which were tents.

Letā€™s try not to derail the thread with irrelevant topics though.

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The only good Horde is a dead Horde.

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Well I suppose thereā€™s a reason why the stereotype of HMPs isnā€™t about their vast understanding of lore.


Alliance burning down two tents is literally as bad as horde genociding the entire night elf and draenei population.

We all know this is you, Blom.

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I thought it was a good read :melting_face:

Peace can be achieved through war, but it is often better achieved through diplomacy.

Stormwind is the greatest diplomatic power in the world. The eloquent and well-spoken Humans of Stormwind, a proud and tenacious race, they are the glue that keeps the multi-racial Alliance together, and they have often preferred trade instead of war, negotiation instead of slaughter.

It is through diplomacy that Stormwind shall achieve world hegemony, the soft power of its diplomats, priests, and merchants, its influence as the unquestioned centre of the faith and the Alliance, the last mortal superpower in the world.

Diplomacy and negotiation; not war and carnage. It is through these that Stormwind will ascend as the unquestioned power holding hegemony over the entire world.

Now go take quests from Anduin, Alleria, and Jaina. :smile:

If you are depending on Diplomacy I have bad news for you come War Within.

At least when things go south youā€™ll be able to Hearth back to safety 5 minutes sooner!

lol good luckā€¦ donā€™t get any of your cities burned down while youā€™re trying.

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A travesty and nothing more, donā€™t mention it.

Doesnā€™t change the lore. Humans are the most diplomatic race on Azeroth = FACT. They are playing the long game.

King Llane: War with us will solve nothing
Durotan: (speaks orcish)
Garona: He says for Orcs, war solves everything.

Unfortunately if itā€™s war you want, you joined the wrong side when you rolled alliance.

And this right here, this is why Draenor is a wrecked wasteland without a future, while Stormwind is the largest, richest, most beautiful, and most important city on Azeroth. :grin:

Llane: War bad

Also Llane: Watch as how I, with nothing but a simple terrorist attack, turn a minor border skirmish with the Gurubashi into a massively destructive existential war for both sides!


Itā€™s called ā€œcharacter developmentā€. :man_facepalming:

The Gurubashi were screwing around leading savage raids on villages in Westfall.

The Gurubashi eventually found out.

Pretty much spitting bars right there

Gee, its almost as if those raids were retaliation for stormwind violently expanding itā€™s borders because the nobility got greedy.

If Medivh had just let Stormwind deal with the consequences of their own actions, Azeroth would have been wildly better off.