PC Gamer's recent article on lore

World of Warcraft’s latest cinematic is a narrative disaster and players hate it | PC Gamer

I figured it’s worth posting. It’s honestly shocking to see an official publication that is this critical. Like, it’s almost unheard of.


Nobody cares about PCgamers opinion

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It’s not news, it’s an opinion piece.


Playing fast and loose with “official publication”. Should have gone with reliable source of video game information.

That would have gotten a chuckle.

I never said it was news. I said it’s an article.

Most “reviews” are opinion pieces, because if you like something or not is, largely, opinion.

But you don’t often see even straight up opinion pieces be this frank. It has the side effect of causing developers to not give interviews anymore


Because Blizzard didn’t pay them to shill for their game


I mean, let’s be frank.

Not unheard of in gaming publications. “Gifts” to reviewers are pretty much industry wide.

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That why no one takes game Journalist seriously, they are all either pay shill or idiot who can’t do their job without putting real life political BS into their article.


There is truth to that for people who actually play games. But you have to remember that players aren’t game journalists customers. Advertisers are.

And while an angry and negative article might get them a short bump in ad revenue, it costs them long term with the potential threat of withholding interviews in the future. It’s also something a marketing department would take note of. A negative site isn’t likely to receive press kits or invitations to future events, etc

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That was the case like years ago, now adays no one even bother to really click it, if you notice over the years, Journalist are getting remove from their job here and there, including the big Journalist that working in big media side.
Gaming Journalist suffer the most mainly because they can’t write a proper review of the game, they love putting real life political crap in their article and they are also shiet and terrible at gaming.


I didn’t realize that gleaning useful information from reviews was an artform. You take the info you need and forget the rest. It’s not like reading a book, you’re not taking the authors word for it or suspending disbelief. Does the game have these certain things? Do I enjoy those things and want to know more? It’s easy.


A large portion of reviews I read in this day and age are, frankly, useless and opinion filled drivel with the negatives deeply exaggerated, and how critical they are almost always boils down to the size of the studio.

Which is, mostly, what stands out about this one.

If people like the story, that’s fine.
If people don’t like the story, that’s also fine.

But it’s highly unusual to see something posted so starkly negative for such a large company


I would actually say whether its positive or negative depends on what tribe one is in.

same tribe = pure shilling
opposing tribe = pure negativity

I can say I have gotten really good at looking for buzzwords and using that to calibrate what I am reading.

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Agreed, these blog articles we get from pcgamer, forbes, etc. these days are just that - blogs.

So less than 200 fokes dislike …
Oh noes … Cancel glee’s kneels.

Losing active users in a pandemic that saw numbers surging elsewhere might support the notion that current content is unpopular.

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They lose users after every launch and after every patch, right after they gain users.

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Aye. The only gameplay problem Shadowlands has is related to the delay in the patch.

Well, at least outside of Blizzards normal stuff.

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A game set up to be the ultimate time sink lost active users during a year that saw the world with more time on its hands than ever, all flooding into the PC and Gaming markets.