They have actually had a number of pieces that are (at least in part) critical of wow over the past few years.
I’m 100% on board with what this article says though. Nailed it.
They have actually had a number of pieces that are (at least in part) critical of wow over the past few years.
I’m 100% on board with what this article says though. Nailed it.
Oh look, another thread about this. Also the article is boring and felt like just another Sylvanas rant with too many words.
It’s not an ‘official’ anything - its a website, no different from people’s opinions on this one and those are equally valid.
PCGamer used to be an okay hardcopy mag. But now it’s just another clickbait website. Not worth paying attention to.
While I don’t disagree that the new cinematic is a narrative disaster, how can I take an article seriously when it has a typo in the first sentence (“There hasn’t been a more controversial character in World of Warcraft history than Slyvanas Windrunner.”) and a subject/verb disagreement in the second (“Few…has gotten”)?
At least proofread and run a spelling and grammar check before you slap your clickbait up for the world to see.
What I absolutely love from the thing (besides the whole thing, because I agree with the whole thing) is: “it’s clear she feels a little bad about enslaving Anduin against his will. After all, back in Warcraft 3 the Lich King killed and enslaved Sylvanas and turned her into the undead Banshee she is now. Fun fact about that, by the way, it turns out that The Jailer is the one who created the artifacts that corrupted the Lich King in the first place—the same artifacts he then used to kill Sylvanas. She also knows this and doesn’t seem troubled by it, for some inexplicable reason.”
She is knowingly helping the person that is the reason she is condemned to this fate. She knows the Jailer created The Lich King and is the reason why so many people’s souls are taken, and she serves him anyways.
WAIT, my bad. She will never serve anybody. That’s right. Sylvanas has always had free will since WotLK. What a load of Crock!
I dont think PC gamer is aware of the fact that Sylvanas did nothing wrong nice autobiography though
They could just write an article called “game exists and people hate it but still subscribe to it.”
Lore’s fine. It’s a video game story, not Schindler’s List.
Just finally got around to reading this… Absolutely spot on, its a perfect write up of what has been happening and how I personally feel.
I really hope blizzard see/listen to this and us as players get the game we deserve and narratives we can enjoy… for me Garrosh cinematic is the best moment of the past two expansions combined. Thats what wow should be we need more of that. We are supposed to love playing our faction, not be demotivated by it because of a junk story team trying to tell some forgeign non-wowlike narrative.
I pretty much gave up on the main story arc and the major lore chars a while back. I just ignore it and them as much as I can. It’s gonna happen and Blizzard is gonna do what Blizzard is gonna do.
Mostly I look for zone chars and stories that seem interesting. i still remember Runas from Legion and the rebel Prince Farondis. Thalyssra was interesting too. Lassen in Highmountain and the Chars in Stormheim were cool. Liked talking to the tree - lol.
When I look back on prior expansions now, I figure I was more invested in getting the Legion Legendary Fishing Pole than almost anything else of late.
BfA did have the undead guy story arc with Rexxar and L Voss, but that is about all I remember from that expansion. Ok, Magni talking about woons was… annoying.
I know there are chars in SL, but none strike me as particularly engaging…