Interesting PCGamer article about the cinematic

Also links to the official cinematic and shows the current 4.1K upvotes vs 10K downvotes

Interesting take. This part fit me to a T :

People, especially Horde players who were now complicit in her war crimes, were mad . It arbitrarily forced them into a situation where they had zero agency since the game has no way to resign or swap factions (without paying money and effectively remaking your character).

The end of the article was me a few weeks ago. Now I have moved on


The writing for Sylvanas (and the game overall) has been terrible for years now. They’re late to the game.


Isn’t your name from Dragonlance?


Yep. As close as I could have gotten.


It’s PCgamer, their opinion is basically useless, just like the doomsayer hivemind that is GD.


Not me. Not anyone. The writers are the only ones complicit in the entire botched story line. If you want to “be complicit in the war crimes” that is on you.
Nobody who plays Horde had a say in this god awful story telling and our characters should not be held accountable.
And to top if off I hope they redeem Sylvanas totally! Sick and tired of losing our leaders while the Alliance struts around like goody two shoes.
Now Anduin is in the same boat but nearly all the Alliance posts on his behavior is give him a break, he is being mind controlled. I am fairly sure many leaders were “influenced” by the jailer or other unseen forces we have yet to uncover.
If Anduin isn’t held to to standard the Alliance are holding Sylvans to then they are hypocrites.


Not clicking the article…

But from the OP’s exerpt…I am really interested in what horde player is upset they can’t switch factions?

Yes, let’s leave higher populated and overall more successful faction because of a poorly written storyline


Not anyone? What rock are you under? There were threads about it. People I knew left the game or refused to play over it. You are totally wrong on this.


That reddit thread that guy wrote is pretty epic. Sums up my thoughts on WoW’s writing so well.

Like to it here:

And he is right that the story at least for me is a way bigger problem in Shadowlands than the gameplay. I wouldn’t mind doing the same old stuff if the story and setting didn’t suck so bad.


What that article ignores is that over 250,000 people watched that video, meaning even at 10k dislikes, only 4% (at most) of viewers actually disliked it.

That’s not an indication of players hating it. The vast majority of viewers were indifferent. If this was a poll, 4% of voters would say they hated it, 2% would say they liked it and the other 94% would be saying ‘meh, didn’t care one way or the other’.

Which is, in itself a problem as it does show a lack of attachment, which isn’t great, but it’s also not something to really get concerned about.


This paragraph was a perfect summary of how I feel

Unless you’ve been closely following WoW’s story over the past few expansions, it’s hard to fully express just how disappointing this whole ‘twist’ is. It makes me feel like none of these characters are actual reasoning people, but just empty vessels for dispensing cool one-liners while the plot marches inexplicably forward toward the next macguffin. And heaven forbid we ever get any answers or closure to the dozens of plotlines that are left dangling with each new cutscene.


Anduin is being mind controlled. But he’s probably the weakest king ever. I cant stand Anduin.


I did. I took my Alliance main and put him first in BFA. Had him somewhere in my stable since Wrath - its this guy. RAce changed and such.

Sadly I miss my Tauren, trolls and orcs. I even tried a Vulpera. Did most of the new allied races, but the Horde became a place I didnt belong. SO now its just easier not to play

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Ok I read the entire article. It’s very well written. Maybe Blizzard should hire him? lol.

Best parts:

“Turns out the real reason Sylvanas burned Teldrassil and tried to start an apocalyptic war with the Alliance was to funnel souls into the afterlife where they could be stolen and used to power the Jailer and Sylvanas’ grand scheme. Not only has she now murdered millions of people, but she’s condemned them to eternal damnation so they can be the gas in her Great Schemes.”

"At the same time, it feels a little weird that all of a sudden she’s starting to develop a conscience. Like, you committed genocide and started a continent-spanning war that nearly killed the planet but making pretty-boy Anduin do your chores is what’s giving you second thoughts? You can start to see why players were growing anxious over where the story was heading. "

“Ever since Battle for Azeroth, World of Warcraft has slipped into a maddening trend of drip-feeding its overly-manufactured story through short cinematics that never feel like they stitch together into anything meaningful. I’m quickly reaching the point where I no longer care about this universe or the people who inhabit it—and that consequently makes me wonder why I’m even still playing. And judging by the negative response to its latest cinematic across WoW’s different online communities, I don’t think I’m the only one.”


one totally complicit and down with everything til the jailer said her “special word”, the other was tortured and forced into compliance by being an unwilling vessel but w/e. there are massive differences to each of their circumstances. that being said tho i can almost bet good money that sylvannas lives and everyones fine with it but anduin bites it or gets frozen in a chair to use later on maybe

and racial leaders dying is pretty equal within the game iirc, i liked varian, voljin, baines dad, etc. well i guess i was mad when tirion bit it.

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Cairne was the one that really set me off.

Varian’s death actually made me ok with the guy (hated both him and Garrosh)


I guess you can say that you can’t Standuin him? : 3


Obviously, an opinion piece should be taken with a grain of salt, but for me personally, most everything in this article resonated with me.


cairne! thats the name lol,

my like of varian was mainly from the comic series made of his past, arena fighter stuff. was hype to have him back for a while but he really was way more 2D then his comic self…better writers maybe? lol

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Oh no, a tiny fraction of players online are upset. What ever shall we do? :zipper_mouth_face:

Many people do like the cinematic and are fine with or don’t really care what’s going on with Sylvanas. The article there is completely subjective based on the opinion of whoever wrote it. Which isn’t very good journalism. There’s always two or more sides to a story and it’s ignoring the others completely. The article is firmly biased to the hate camp and I think really loses credibility for that.

For example, in my opinion I disagree. I think Sylvanas is fine. Her personality sucks, but she’s not badly written. If you pay attention to her history and the nuance of her actions you can see why she’s doing what she’s doing. It was also clearly shown why she gives Anduin special treatment and why she turned against the Jailer here. There were signs of it coming already beforehand if you watch the fine details.

You can hate the story or love it, both are totally ok viewpoints. But it’s not objectively terrible. And articles like that are a problem because they swoon more people to their camp instead of letting them decide themselves.