Paying sub money and box price

Playing them isn’t an art form in the same way painting something is an art form, though. A video game is a hobby that at the end of the day gives you no marketable skills, its completely throwing time away.

I mean professional video game players would disagree as well as game makers.

You don’t paint yourself or make music yourself doesn’t make it any less art to them.

Art is anything that moves you, makes you feel

Well thats a different debate we dont need to get into. People can yell at each other about what art is for eternity.

By who?

Seriously though I never knew liking WoW is a symptom of being a narcissist

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clark most likely pays sub just to troll the forums , since theres really nothing you could do but consume recycled content , hell if he has being playing for as long as he says he has , im sure he has nothing else to do , but i highly doubt he does anything besides trolling forums and white knighting blizzard for fun .

By the time Microsoft takes over it will be far too late for them to have any influence on 10.0.

I am unconvinced that he pays his own sub.

We all know Blizzard is the only gaming company that has delays.

Dying Light 2 came out last week. It was suppose to release spring of 2020.
Its finally here almost two years after the first of many announced release dates.

It’s not, it is though how you treat people on here. You also do have the Symptoms of an excessive need for admiration.

Wod and shadowlands are bad for different reasons. They both lack content but at least in WOD you didnt have to do chores in order to raid or do arena. In my opinion the systems back in WOD (ONLY GEAR) was way better than all the boring chore work in shadowlands. There is no way i can play alts in shadowlands and even catching up after a small break just so i can play the content i want to is just lame and chore work.

However people with no lifes that do all types of wow content would love this xpac because there is plenty of chores to do. I just dont see how the average player could actually get past all the chores for this whole expac its just so much seconday systems.


Clark isn’t a troll, he believes what he says.

I’ll leave it up to viewer interpretation whether that’s better or not.

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And those folks haven’t had to deal with the massive shake up that Blizzard was forced to deal with and is still dealing with. These horrible things have been going on for years, did you really thing when it all came to a boil the dev team was going to get back to max productivity over night?

do we know the daily work schedule for the employees? I’ve never seen that posted anywhere.

If this were even remotely true then Clark wouldn’t say half of the crazy things he says. He is just being true to himself whether people like it or not.

But Clark how could yiu forget about the Heirlooms Collection tab being added!

Haven’t laughed this hard in ages looool

I’m going to wait until the end of the expac to pass final judgement (only fair) but it’s definitely hitting the lows for me.

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Wow Clark, did not take you long to drop in and start knighting!

Who cares what this poster is doing, and with what?

Seriously, go out and get some air.



We run out of topics to complain about already?

HFC patch lasted 14 months. One of WoD’s major patches was just adding a selfie camera. We are currently on month 8 of this content tier with already more content than all of WoD so no, definitely not worse than WoD.

Yet less people playing.


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You don’t know that though, you’re just hoping that’s true because you don’t like SL.