Paying sub money and box price

Nov 16th 2020 (yes 2020) Shadowlands releases.
June 29 2021 Patch 9.1

9.1.5 released Nov 2 2021… Still no date for 9.2. Guess they were busy adding that extra add in Molten Core for SoM or scripting attacks to hit for 25% more on servers no one plays on.

This is worse than WoD on every level. passes out copium

And then Blizzard wants to talk about bringing more premium content? How about, ya know, just bringing content?

Worst expansion of all time. I hope it keeps that place.


Different teams.



Breathe it in, it will make you feel better.


don’t worry dude it’s because 10.0 will pop off Copium

they are cutting shadowlands for 10.0

but tbh , i think 10.0 will be good after Microsoft move maybe i’m on giga copium

completely wrote by Danuser. YAY! Gonna be a masterpiece. I really hope it is about Sylvanas

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OP ranting about Shadowlands being low content and not their money’s worth but buys a TBC classic deluxe edition and posting on a boosted 58 character



Oh be patient ya drama queens. The patch will get here when it gets here, it should be revealed pretty soon.

The expansion was bogged down by major delays and setbacks because of IRL issues other expansions never had to deal with. It sucks, but it’s whatever. We’re moving past it and the game goes on.

In the meantime just wait it out and try to keep busy with something. Soon soon soon.

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Blizzard is in an industry of work where even in the COVID pandemic their employees could create from home.

Despite this, content is actually down, not up.

So, yeah, by all means, Blizzard is so used to doing as little as possible to keep the lights on in WoW that they don’t even seem to know what actually trying and doing their best looks like yet.

And that’s sad to me.


A quality post from Clark?


Also, OP has at least seen some of the SL content. My main is a 60 NE Rogue.

Shadowlands content is hollow. The story does not impress, the zones are each about the size of Teldrassil, Blizzard is lazy for trying to remove two playable races, NE’s and Forsaken, and by trying to make Kalimdor all Horde and Eastern Kingdoms all Alliance is the laziest of all moves they’ve tried to make thus far.

And for the love of WoW, it’s only going to get worse.

We should send them tissues. boo hoo meanwhile multiple game developers releasing great games with no problems.

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I just want to play Nightborne or Void Elf

Which only shows players don’t know anything about game development or what exactly the processes are that Blizz has to go through to make all of this. It’s more extensive than just computer modeling.

Most other expansions, even Legion and BfA, had very consistent and highly predictable patch schedules. Churned out like clockwork, so Blizz knows what they’re doing. We’ve always had full scale expansions. That SL struggled with that only means the work from home thing was a bigger change and more difficult to overcome than players are blindly assuming.

Again life happens, it is what it is. Let’s look to the future instead of still hating on the past.

That’s not good enough for them, the devs should have been forced 12+ hour shifts and chained to their desks till the jobs done!

Oh look, It’s another Clark cut down.

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If OP wanted to talk smack they should have at least done it on a level 10 character to hide

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No, not even close. Wod truly was rock bottom and nearly killed the game.

Microsoft won’t work on 10.0. They probably won’t work on WoW until 11.0.

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Or, this is crazy, they could use some of their profits to hire more developers so each developer doesn’t have to work like crazy.

While they are at it, they could hire people to communicate in the CC forum.


the third BlizzCon to be cancelled

This is my AH alt, feel free to stalk and harass me if you think I am hiding from anything. Dang you are weird.