Paying sub money and box price

Nah, pretty sure its accurate. Unless you can explain why MAUs are lower than Warlords while having 4 other games now that didn’t exist then.


Unless you have sub numbers direct from Blizzard then you don’t know. MAUs might be down because the only active games they have now are hearthstone and WoW, everything else is on the back burner or has a small audience due to lack of development.

Not when you’re a self-hating addict like most WoW players, you can’t.

Yeah seasons being 30 weeks long is awful

WoD wasnt bad Wod just wasnt finished and they cut glad warrior so they can go poop they pants for all i care

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I agree, but only because I think WoD was great :heart:

No. But without evidence they are working 26 hours a day, I’ll assume the California employee laws are being followed.