Paying gold for dungeon runs

Your opinion wont stop people from paying.

I’m not. which is how I’m not confused at all.

I don’t think tanks deserve extra for just doing their job in a dungeon.

If other people are dumb enough to pay tanks for it. That’s their own issue. I never will.

There isn’t a single tank in the world that’s worth paying to do a dungeon.

Yes it is my, the tank in all BiS/raid gear, to run pugs through BRD and Strath for free. It is my civil obligation actually. Shame on me for doing it for money.

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Calling my clients dumb? Wow

People aren’t paying the tank to do extra, they are paying to save time for themselves. That’s what people don’t seem to grasp.

I’m implying neither are hard. The thing that makes it hard, is the group working against you.

i’ve had DPS who were the problem where they DPS hard before the tank has aggro making it difficult for the tank. Or they don’t decurse, remove poison, CC, or Interrupt. Simply not using the tools that make things easier.

But then i’ve had Tanks who don’t Sunder, don’t wait for Healer Mana, Over pull, or Only Single Target tank.

If the whole group is on top of their game, no role is difficult. However if a role in the group is not being played properly, it makes things harder for everyone.

Never said that. Just said you aren’t worth being paid.

No tanks worth being paid. I’d rather drag a 59 warrior tank through stratholme for the first time.

Have fun wiping 10 times then

No, the tanks just demanding extra to do the exact same role as always.

not worth it.

I don’t see why people are in a rush. this game isn’t going anywhere.

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classic wow brought the geed out of people more then anything i have seen in a while.

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Even if we wiped 10 times, it’d still be cheaper than what some entitled tanks want to do a dungeon.

Also, generally don’t. The dungeons are not that hard.

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Thats alotta repair bills…and wasted time

The reason people pay isn’t for the fact they are only willing to run with a geared tank (although this is usually standard for tanks who do it as a service), it is because tanks in general are hard to find. Especially in phase 2 where the need to run instances for everyone is overall much less.

For a guy who can farm 100g an hour on a mage, it’s worth paying 30g or an orb res in Strat for him to instantly have a tank as opposed to LFG for however long it takes. Like, economically, it is. Maybe not for you, but for plenty of folks it’s the most time and therefore cost efficient option.


oh no. 2g repair. Whatever will I do? That’s half a green item.

2g from 10 wipes? I wish!

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Sounds like a waste of money to me.

This game is literally nothing but time. There is no expansions, there is no rush. It’s effectively a museum, where eventually your going to hit a wall and have -nothing- left to do.

Again. not worth it.

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That’s what it is for me. :woman_shrugging:

Also, I’ve literally never seen a single group manage 10 wipes to complete the dungeon. So exaggerations are kinda silly.

Is the norm to wipe 10x per run?

Seems a bit unrealistic. I understand that wipes do happen. And I also understand leaving those groups if it was due to just terrible play from the group (Healer DPSing more than Healing, DPS Splitting damage, No one CCing or interrupting.

I would think that is the worse case scenario though. A typical group I could see having a handful of deaths, and maybe 1 wipe if the players are new the instance.

It was an exaggeration

But “dragging a 59 warrior tank through stratholme for the first time” will be FAR more inefficient and painful than if someone like me tanked it. This is where my services come in :slight_smile:

Why do doctors get paid more than nurses?

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