Paying for Beta Testing is criminal

The fact that Blizzard the business does business things is apparently shocking to a lot of people.

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Not the same situation.

OP is complaining that they ‘never got picked’ for beta access (beta wave access has always been random, sometimes you get access, sometimes you don’t), and they’re extra salty because people who paid for the epic edition (or who pre-ordered a physical collectors edition) are guaranteed beta access.

They likely just want a ‘free preview’ of what the expansion is offering and aren’t actually interested in providing feedback or reporting bugs, which is the boat that most “Why don’t I ever get beta.” people are floating in.

If you feel Blizzard has broken the law the. By all means go to your local authorities.

Beta for pre-orders has been a thing for at least the last 20 years with MMOs. In 2004 you got a place in beta for pre-ordering Jump to Lightspeed, the first expansion for Star Wars Galaxies - the largest and most successful MMO ever at that point in time, releasing 1 month before WoW.

A beta test isn’t something an in-house QA team can do.

An in house QA team can’t have thousands of people logging in at once and playtesting everything at once.

I wouldn’t hold your breath hoping for logic from that one.

Every two years people complain about not getting access. The small details may have changed, but the main complaint is the same.

There’s even the usual pointless whining about streamers, too.

We’re very predictable.

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Beta is basically viewed as game Demo nowadays . Good luck getting annoyed of dumb things in there :rofl:

It’s definitely not something I’m willing to pay for. The company should pay QA to test. They laid some of them off. And it’s not like they listened in beta to azerite gear being bad, covenants being bad or even some bugs.

I believe whether I test or not, the expacs will release in the same state. So I see no need to pay to test.

Beta wasn’t really ever the stress test. Not enough people.

But it’s still more than what a QA team can do. And it elicits outside feedback.

Not really. I’ve been in a few betas and it’s never been enough to test servers. And a lot of that they already solved in the past with phasing, sharding, etc. They’ve had to actually connect some servers due to low population.

No different then allowing people access three freakin days just because they bought the most expensive package. It is what it is but leaves a bad taste in my mouth and beginning to dislike what they are doing with their expacts, and there is two more to come after TWW.

Wont work . even teh amount of people they have in beta now is no where near enough to test things . once game go lives and millions are playing someone will do something that no one else will do and break the game .

And seriously you cant truely believe most people bought the higest version of teh game just to do beta . Take teh beta part out and the deal was still great value . I got it - wont do Beta ( and i have done every Beta since Cata ) .

things like this are industry standard , move with the times

I didn’t pay for beta, I paid for the other things that came with the game. It was a good deal so I got it.

Beta access is just a perk, and I’ve barely logged into it.

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Well everything has bugs, constant disconnects, no customer service support and it’s half finished. So it’s basically just like retail.

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Wrong. They gave beta access to WoW 12 years ago if you purchased Diablo 3 or something like that. I didn’t do it back then, cause I was a broke af college student scraping by. It wasn’t until BFA that I was making money; now I buy epic editions regardless of if beta access is present.

That said, I’ve been in the last 5 betas. I generally don’t get the first wave of invites. There’s still two months of beta, and that’s two months of chances for you to still get invited.

Buying a game for early access to beta isn’t anything new at all. Besides beta is just a buggy mess test it’s nothing to cry about.

Look at it this way, it keeps spoilers low so it’s fresh and fun on release, and I have beta access and have yet to even hop into it at all.

Stop being poor and pay the extra $25.

$40 if they bought the base pack.

I have been in the last 5 betas, but I don’t think I will get an invite this time around. Due to a financial emergency that I encountered last month, I will not even be able to buy the basic expansion this year. I am pretty sure since I haven’t pre-ordered the expansion, they are not going to send me a beta invite. I have bought every expansion and even gifted a couple to folks who weren’t able to afford it. Maybe next year when TWW goes on sale, I can get it then. I hate being so late to an expansion that it is too hard to catch up. Life happens.