Paying for Beta Testing is criminal

Lol they got us spread out thinner than butter on toast

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As I said above it’s probably a better option to choose people that actually are so excited about the content that they want to be in the beta that they’ll pay extra money for the privilege. I would actually put my money on them doing a better job at reporting bugs than the huge numbers of AFK players I saw in dragon flight beta LOL

There was about a half a dozen of them that I saw and when I mentioned it in chat you should have seen the chat box flame up from people that I didn’t even know were reading or even in the vicinity screeching about me mentioning that they were AFK LOL some of them anyways.

I think when it’s a random thing you might not get the most motivated persons to test the beta content

Just look at me I only took it so far and then I quit the beta this is is one of the reasons that I didn’t even try to get into it this time because I know that I’m not going to be reliable to do enough testing for them.

I mean obviously I feel like the beta ruins the game when it goes live since I’m already burned out at that time LOL but I ran three characters on dragon flight beta and to be honest I could have done a better job and stayed out at harder and made it worth their while but I didn’t

The difference between me and those AFK sorts from dragonflight beta is I can acknowledge my shortcomings and not do the same thing again while my guess is they would be right back in there doing the AFK thing again when the slot that they took could have been taken by someone who was actually motivated to play test the game a little bit better

Makes sense to me!

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That was all very well stated.
And yeah that’s exactly right none of us are owed being in the beta testing and it’s usually what random to begin with so no one knows if they’re making it or not until they get the invite from my experience of it in two of the betas I believe.

It’s easier to shotgun the beta with paying customers to recover operation costs and sift through bug reports. AI can monitor reports at lightning speed compared to a group of humans who require sleep and food time.

So true, frankly if I’m blizzard I’m trying to figure out what else people are willing to pay for and complain about at the same time.

I know it my sound extreme but I’d try selling a second raid lockout for the week. So once you clear mythic Palace you can use a token to clear it from your raid lockout.

It wouldn’t quite be selling gear, but for big guilds or rich people with money to burn it would essentially be the same thing. Pay to run the raid 8 times until everyone has their BiS weapon and four piece in week 1

Yes and no, while you do want more die hard players in beta as I stated above a lot are using it to boost their stream count not actually test anything.

As far as i know they are still doing the random beta invites for some who opted in. They always have. Not everyone gets lucky to get picked, but they are doing random folks. Pre purchase is another group on top of normal. Not a replacement for the normal system like the op thinks.

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Is that a fact? Are you a figment of my imagination?

I made a great argument about why a casted BA was a bad thing when we still had to cast cobra shot. It felt really wrong back then.

And they reverted it because they agreed.

I dunno, it’s a win-win from my perspective. I have an active sub regardless because I play retail and Remix, and I enjoy playing the beta for fun and early access (and don’t mind bug reporting while I do it). Is there a logical reason they should pay people when others are willing (and happy) to do it for free?

ye but

so they got what they deserve, if i were a company that have such fanboys i would do the same

i myself have the beta bc i bought the stuff with gold but iam not working for blizzard for free, iil wait till the release

your source on this?

i hope you are not referring to the epic expansion of 3 days before launch. that’s not even part of beta.

Back in Cataclysm, you could promise to pay for WOW for a year. In return, you would get a copy of Diablo III, the Tyrael Charger mount and guaranteed access to the Mists of Pandaria Beta… It was called the WOW Annual Pass.

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You mean like they did years ago? At least since MOP.

Money certainly isn’t a good way to determine who’s eligible or more deserving of beta testing. Having loads of money doesn’t mean you’ll have any interest of finding bugs, most often it’s just people buying their way into things because of impatience.

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ah…I see…yeah, thats not good.
Better that beta slot goes to someone more interested in actually testing the game

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I think my reasoning was more along the lines of someone willing to pay extra for Beta might be more inclined to actually do what they paid the money for.
But now Im thinking how stupid that sounds lol. I blow money on crap I dont really have much devotion to, so yeah…I guess I was just tossing out some thoughts there that might not represent reality, lol


Sorry, I can’t take people who complain about this seriously. It’s not ‘greedy’ or ‘money-grubbing’, this is a nothing burger, you’re making mount everest out of an ant-hill.

The reason why hardly anyone is complaining about it is because it’s a non-issue.

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New expansion, same old complaints.

I still remember my SL experience where I was logging in once a week to see if I could complete the venthyr campaign, only to find that it was still broken up to the final week or something.

New expansion, same sour grapes from adults who think video games are srs.