Paying for Beta Testing is criminal

its a trash decision made by a company this is a shell of their former self and i refuse to pay for it also but all that being said why be angry? its not like they listen to feed back or even care about it. just look at the druid and shaman forums if you believe they look at feed back or care. its absolutely a cash grab because people with alot of gold/money who also lack critical thinking will just throw money at it since they dont realize this will cause future problems

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I’ve had my mix of getting in or not since idk at least legion, got in to TWW alpha of course as Community Council for testing purposes, but it def feels bad that beta became largely buy in. Watching friends I’ve done testing with for years be unable to play yet because they can’t justify $90 is really unfortunate, though I suppose it’s a 50/50 in the old way of us all getting in regardless.

Personally however, the fact that now anyone without what I assume was mild vetting has access to the forums seemingly detracting from feedback posts seems like more than a pain than anything. Places I’ve been the most such as Shaman feedback has become a bunch of ‘yapping’ between actual feedback, which appears at a far higher ratio than what I recall I believe. (though with Shaman I suppose it’s more understandable since there has been ZERO done to that class…) I truly wish beta was more focused testing with FAR MORE QA employees, I’m sure the ones left are doing their utmost but more returning would be wonderful for the game’s polish.

I had been invited to more than my share of betas for blizzard. I am certain they are tired of my feedback. Paid beta kind of blows, but not as much as early access. It is of my experience is that people look for exploits in early access to use on release. Blizzard then never punishes them for abusing the exploits early (which will be during early access) and often (as many of the exploits as they found).

The advantage to not being in early access is that your experience should be smoother with everyone out of the start areas. But, you will miss out on early auction house pricing and renown through getting to world quests quicker.

The whole practice sux. My guild will be 50/50 with access.

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Name them.

Don’t realize, or don’t care? I know people who drop 200,000$ in a weekend, on a private server, to gear their entire guild out for a week before moving on to a new game. Whales run this ocean my friend.

The whiny crowd is just getting louder. Not everyone is going to get into everything. Lets also be honest eith ourselves here. Majority of people wont give blizz any crucial beta data that another joe shmoe couldnt. Its just beta testing for a video game guys. Chill

I have to agree with this.

The real beta for feedback is class discords which is a shame really.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Any game on steam that you see labeled as “early access”. Is you paying to beta test it.

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and their kind is the biggest problem with gaming. more money than brain cells so they show companies that trash decisions like this will be supported.

they need a season or a xpac where they take everyone whos writing guides theorycrafting and such and have them make the class changes to see how much better than blizzard they are at it. blizzard tends to set the bar super low so i cant see it being to hard and i wouldnt be suprised if it was way better than what we normally get

I’d sneak my way in and make Spriest super OP. Sorry, not sorry.

Ironically is they do consult with theory crafters and they ignore like most of their advice.

So they ignore feedback on forums and their own theory crafters. They even ignore community council feedback.

Dark times ahead indeed.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

not seeing a problem if you manage to get to that point. blizzard would still do the tuning. so the logic would just be even if your damage is a dumpster fire at least its fun to play

thats why they need to outsource it to them. i dont understand why they ask for feedback have beta forums and the feedback button in the beta its not like they listen. blizzard has the feedback box with a empty bottom and its directly over the shredder. like seriously what is the point of asking for feedback if you use none of it

They’re probably subtracting the cost of the free 30 days of game time since you would need a sub to play TWW.

Early access program was launched in 2013.

Actually blizzard is one of the first few companies to take advantage of public testing models. World of Warcraft and Halo 3 were definitely two of the earliest games to have public testing, and soon after that most online games took up this model and heavily reduced their QA staff in most cases.