Paying for Beta Testing is criminal

I’ve been opting in, invited, and played beta since Legion. TWW is the first expansion I have not been invited to play, and it’s a pretty big coincidence that it’s the first time ever you can pay for beta access. This is the most money-grubbing, greedy, pathetic thing I’ve ever seen Blizzard do. The fact that no one cares about this is pretty insane.


We still have many more weeks to come to see if we get in. But yeah, it is terrible. I don’t think I’m going to get an invite which is pretty crappy. I’d love to be in the beta but I don’t think I am going to get in

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This is a job they should pay (and train) people to do, but instead, people willingly pay them.


Well, having player feedback can be critical and important in many aspects. The problem is that Blizzard can’t seem to do much without it.


Ideally, they could hire testers who are also WoW players and pay them. But, they’ve taken advantage of human psychology to get testers to work for them for less than free. It’s magnificent!


most people who touch the beta just play it as a free preview anyway


The question always comes down to what the beta players do, I’ve watched a couple mini streams they screw around and when a big pops up they don’t even hit the report button.

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Oh, yes…Recently they have been making better changes but such changes are what real companies have been doing for well over a decade lol.

It’s like pokemon…Why pay someone when you can have them do it for free.

It is pretty scummy, yes.

Criminal? Probably not, they’d have their lawyers go over this with a fine-toothed comb to make sure it wasn’t.

Should it be?
That’s a really good question.

I have to wonder if the microtransaction craze with games is just a mad gold rush to make as much money as possible before the laws get updated and make these scummy practices unfeasible.


I mean it’s not really a coincidence, they just have plenty of beta testers and didn’t need to invite more.

If you’re mad about not getting into beta then you didn’t want in for the right reasons anyways.

It’s not a fun early access sneak preview, nor is it supposed to be.

Nothing about this is a microtransaction lol


Two months free sub if you beta test. EZ GG.

Okay…Your point is?

I opted in for years with every expansion and didn’t get a single beta til Dragonflight.

It’s no coincidence other than what you’ve made it out to be honestly.

Criminal, I really do not think so.

It’s on the scuzzy side but if the case is been some opting for years to get in and never did this added an optional way.

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Some are for views or doing their own thing for sure.

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I just love how people dog pile on Blizzard for doing something that’s been going on with other game companies for far longer.


Maybe not, but feels like it’s coming from the same place - trying to coerce the player with sonething that wasn’t monetized previously.

That would be a good start, but still, not great. It might be the equivalent of 24 dollars for one hour of work, or 100. I think it would be better if Blizzard, a multi-billion dollar company, created jobs for this sort of thing rather than exploiting the good nature of their loyal players.

The feedback they would get from paid testers is probably significantly better, as well. First of all, they can train them to write the comments effectively and use the tools in a consistent, organized way. They could also hold them to some standard which would be unreasonable to do for volunteers.

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Can you blame Blizzard?
Not only have a large portion purchased beta, many actively defend it along with the early access.

Frankly I’d milk this community even more if I was Blizzard.


Better to have a bunch of people just playing and finding stuff as they go along then just testing for where you might find bugs. Would figure that is for the devs and letting people doing all sorts of random stuff and getting those hidden bugs. Like I found a bug in Bastion. No one testing TWW is probably going to Bastion i went there due to a post here asking a question.

which criminal statute covers it, exactly?

I dunno, it’s likely not coincidence that if they include Beta in the epic edition (you are not paying extra specifically for beta, it’s a package of extras), then the pool of players you need in the first round of Beta is already allocated. Subsequently, you’ll get your invite in a later wave, when you’re used to get it first-round, but that’s also just been coincidental luck.

You can’t seriously believe you’re owed a right to beta testing and therefore complaining because you didn’t get in the first round draft pick?

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