Paying for Beta Testing is criminal

The one in the code book Geoff lost last month.

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They did something similar in MoP. It’s just incentives for higher tier of the expansion.

It’s there for business reasons, but they’re a business so that really shouldn’t be shocking.

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I agree fully, I still think we should have human GMs who will pop in game and actually talk to you or help if needed. But CS is nothing but AI and player driven verdicts.

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Different strokes and all.

I will likely buy the Epic edition.


Because I will likely buy the Heroic edition for the mounts and mog,


Eh, why not. I’m not a mount collector, I’m not even that big on mogs. But, it’s an “ok” deal for those from the store, so why not.

Once I have the Heroic edition, it becomes “is the pet and toy in Epic worth $5”.

And, by that point, in for a penny, off I go – I’ll get the Epic edition.

I don’t plan on playing the beta, as I’d rather spend the time in Remix and leveling my 60s to 70, and gearing them all in the pre-patch.

I’ll “log in early” because, why not.

After the game launches, the “value add” of the Epic edition is the $5 pet and toy.

I’d do that anyway. The access bonuses are mostly nothing to me.

Didn’t work on me then.
Didn’t work on me now.

Still the same-old scummy practices, and two wrongs don’t make a right.

Business may be business, but this still feels dirty. But as the old adage goes:

There’s a sucker born every minute.

I’ve chosen to not be one. Heck, I haven’t even bought the expansion (nor am I planning to) and don’t care about getting access to the beta.

Besides, at this stage? This better be more of a pre-release advertising campaign, mixed in with stress-testing and bug fixes. If it’s actually the beta, that doesn’t bode well for how far behind the expansion’s development is.

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Okay, happy trails.


Criminal and genius. Imagine firing your entire QA team and charging your playerbase to do it. kek

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doesnt make it right. apathy does not equate to being okay.

No, it is the second time you could pay for Beta access. The first was MoP Beta. If you agreed to the Annual Pass contract saying you would keep your sub paid for a year, you got access to MoP Beta, Tyreal’s Charger in-game mount, and a copy of Diablo 3 which was about to release.

Then you have been lucky. Millions of people opt into the Beta pools. There is no guarantee you will be selected unless you are an Influencer/press in one of their programs, staff, or on the family/friends list.


Paying for Beta Testing is criminal

I’d say it’s more a case of “a fool and their money are soon parted”. Do you really think you are required to help the company find their bugs before the game is released?

Just wait until August and you will be able to play with your regular subscription. And it is more likely to be bug free.

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If anyone is buying the epic edition specifically because they want to play the beta, well, that’s their loss.

All the same, different strokes.


I am certain that there is no such thing as a Bug free game, or really most software. There should be fewer bugs though. Beta is all about having large groups of folks playing through content while they monitor every single skills, fight, quest, etc. The logging on beta realms is very very high from my limited understanding. Even if we don’t comment they get a ton of info from just having us play through.

Or not play through if someone does not want to do that. I don’t think they charged extra for the Beta did they? It was just mixed in with all the other things like boost, mounts, pets, game time, etc. Right?

Did you recently recover from being blind?

I believe what people are saying is that folks that got invited to beta before are not getting invited now. However you can get access by buying the more expensive option for the new release.

Yes I know no major software is literally bug free. “Bug free” is an expression for software having very few bugs and generally being reliable.

You knew the job was dangerous when you took it, Fred.

Early Access for higher tier pledges or pre-orders is literally the baseline model of how many of the best games we have had the last decade have been funded.

I bought it for the in game goodies and free month.


I wonder how many of these paying “beta testers” submit regular reports when they come across issues.

When I got tagged for Cataclysm beta way back in the mists of time I submitted a lot of bug reports (and suggestions). I don’t know how much of it was useful, but I felt like I was making good on my “promise” to beta test.

The few times I encountered an issue I reported. Granted I haven’t spent much time at all in the beta, between remix and cata classic my WoW time is fairly occupied.


I think as long as they do their thing where they let random people in or however they normally do it that it’s perfectly fine. They’re a business and they’re here to make money and honestly it might be a good choice to pick the people that pre-purchase the game because those seem to be the people that are most interested in playing the game and they might actually be the ones that would be more inclined to actually play test it instead of all the AFK sorts that I saw and dragonflight beta