I don’t know how to tell you that you should care about other human beings.
Yes…yes it does because taxes affect how much money they spend investing on things like wages and development. That is partially why a high corporate tax was successful in the past. In order to avoid paying those taxes, they invested it in other aspects of the company. Like wages.
Except the situation is designed that these individuals don’t have any options.
If I, and everyone else, set the system up so no matter who you turn to, you don’t get aliving wage, then there is no actual choice.
Yes…yes you do.
We don’t live in a society where you receive a basic wage for existing.
You MUST work in order to have what is considered a decent human living.
Which was the purpose of the minimum wage.
If people can’t have that decent human living, then that industry doesn’t have the right to operate when they contribute to another human being’s suffering. Simple as that.
AGain, I don’t know how to tell you that you should care about other human beings..
Ah, the personal attack. The weapon of choice for someone who has already lost the argument.
This argument was defeated already. Bringing it up again doesn’t bolster your case.
We’re not talking about taxes and how companies get away with paying little to nothing. That is a different subject and…as I said…I agree with you about.
And you are free to get one or make one. If the job you want doesn’t pay what you want, go get, find, or make another one.
You mean the Constitution? I’ve read it. You should.
I am a medical worker who provides care to critically ill individuals who often need to be intubated.
So…no…I don’t work at McDonalds or Taco Bell.
Though those employees should also be paid much better wages than they do now as well.
I’ve seen people suffer as a direct result of the socioeconomic wage gap, and seen what happens when greed affects others.
I don’t know how to tell you that you should care about other people.
It seems to be corrupted capitalism. Any system can be corrupted though.
Again, greed.
We outnumber these people, we should do something about this. Put them all in dumpsters.
When a company announces they’ve hired a ceo, everyone should quit on the spot.
They won’t, but they should. That parasitic ceo culture would change fast, then.
I already went over this with you. I dont know why you’re continue holding this belief.
I agree with you on this one. Employees have quite a bit of power, but the system is also set up to ensure that if you try to fight back, you need to already have set your resources up to ensure you can maintain your stance without starving.
Man you are one self righteous fool. It is quite laughable. It is almost like you never heard of the effects of privatization of industry by corrupt governments.
Really please tell me as of recently where we tried to install a puppet government in Latin America? Juan Guido is the dully elected President of Venezuela based on the most recent election but Maduro does not want to concede power like the authoritarian socialist/communist he is.
It is amazing that you refuse to acknowledge what a mess Maduro has made of his country in the span of his tenure and yet have the temerity to call other people ignorant and lack education.
That’s sad,
I am sure someone out there cares about you.
Are you saying you don’t care about them?
Friend? Family? Lover?
If they were suffering, you’d shrug your shoulders at them?
Knowledge and/or money I’m not stupid enough to walk out into the woods one day with 0 experience and wing it Instead of living off the land the land will live off me
It’s not an attack to point out an objective fact regarding the person you’re conversing with. Corporate tax rate has a direct correlation with worker compensation. Not only that but it’s not the only thing they lobbied Congress for over the last half of a century. If you were educated in the least, you’d actually know that. It is, however, hilarious that you bring up the Constitution when you likely did a cursory glance over the First and Second Amendments, without even reading the entire thing, and thinking that the Constitution has any bearing on the topic whatsoever. Especially when Thomas Jefferson himself intended for the Constitution to be rewritten every 17 years to keep up with the times.
P.S. The Constitution was literally built to be changed. It’s why it has these things called “Amendments”. Maybe you should look up what an Amendment actually is!
If only the people with knives drawn in this thread cared half as much about the workers they’re arguing over, as they do about scoring points in an internet debate.