Pay your employees liveable wages, Blizzard

Happy employees make better games. Just got done reading a piece on wowhead and bloomberg. I want my subscription fee to go to employees, not to Bobby.


I’ve always wondered if, instead of high priced CEO’s, they’d just have a Director of Sales position and with Co. Pres & VP could do the job of the CEO & have profit sharing for everyone, if that would work better.

I didn’t write that very well so hope it makes sense.


There isn’t a job on the planet that deserves being paid that much every single year. I don’t care how much ‘risk’ you assume. It’s just greedy and it needs to stop.


I agree. When I see the “welcome new CEO” emails, I always wonder who’s getting the axe next.

I also wonder who that ceo is related to & how much business/connections they have with China.


I’ve always wondered, that instead of paying a high priced CEO to be an expensive figurehead and fall guy, why don’t they just…distribute wages more equally?
Never made sense why a whole business has dozens of people doing the main grunt of the work and then having a sole person who just “makes the tough calls” earn more than all of them combined for…reasons :man_shrugging:


Capitalism damns us all.


I’m not even sure what a ceo does. I also don’t recall one ever going to prison so what risk?


inb4 your permabanned from forums and this thread is removed


They pretend to take the blame for failings and get tens of millions of dollars in severance pay if they do take the fall, only to be rehired at another huge corporation for millions of dollars a year.


That’s an unbalanced system. Capitalism works good if you balance it and keep monopolies from forming.

Things are changing though. I think it’s going to get better for most, not just the usual 1%.


I think they might get fired if they lose too much money for the company, which is a much higher risk than the average employee, who might lose their home on top of their job and being all but blacklisted in the field.

So it’s either a money funnel or a really stupid thing companies do. Odd.


What a bunch of idealistic palaver from a group of envious socialists.

Capitalism has raised people out of poverty whereas socialism has destroyed economies and put people in poverty. Case in point look at Venezuela where they are literally eating stray animals.


They’re the guy at the top who makes the hard calls like “make more money” or “make cuts to save money” then sits back down in their big ol’ leather chair smoking a pipe whilst someone polishes their shoes.

The cost of it all is them having their face known so that the whole world hates X for being a corporate snake instead of hating the company itself lol.


No, it’s literally just Capitalism, especially unregulated Capitalism like exists in America, at work. There’s a reason so many companies refuse to be employee-owned. It removes the power from the CEOs and the ultra rich Board of Directors.


I don’t have any knowledge of the workings of businesses so I tend to not let any one article influence what I think about a company.

I do think that trying to fight the status quo on how businesses are run is a pointless fight. How could you hope to compete with the people who have the money to buy lawmakers and the media to control public opinion.


I feel like a system that only works well when countless restraints are put on it to keep it from doing everything it, by nature, wants to do is probably not actually a good system.


Was waiting for an uneducated troglodyte to bring up Venezuela when talking about Socialism despite the fact that all of Venezuela’s plights can be traced back to a non-diverse export profile, importing most of their goods and the complete destabilization of South America by the United States via the overthrowing of democratically elected governments with murder squads and coups.


If the article is not correct in calling Blizzard out then so be it, but the message is still undeniably true.

People need a living wage.

However, I suspect that this has been brewing even before the article.


this is way WACRAFT 3 REFUNDED happened. they dont pay their emplyees enough or give them proper benifits and expect them to make cutting edge gaming