Pay your employees liveable wages, Blizzard

Epic Games would like to have a word with you.

Not really. They just conflate a whole bunch of issues and gish gallop to appear to have good arguments.

Socialism doesn’t work. Capitalism is the best out of a bad bunch. But capitalism and paying employees decent living wages are not mutually exclusive.

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It’s not that they didn’t do Socialism right, it’s that they got lazy and complacent with high oil prices, which caused them to invest all of their exports in the oil field. So when oil prices dropped, their ability to provide for their citizens dropped. Then add in the fact that the terrorists known as the United States government have instigated coups throughout South America, including in Venezuela, and they’ve sanctioned the country for blatantly corrupt reasons, you have the mess that Venezuela is in. If you were even the tiniest bit educated, you’d know that. However, I know it’s hard for the Reich Wing to do even the most shallow form of research.

Read my reply to the bottom feeder above this one. You haven’t the foggiest clue about the situation and you just show your stereotypical ignorance, lack of intelligence and lack of education. Also, it’s hilarious you say that the exploitations of Latin America happened decades ago. They did happen decades ago, when we tried to install puppet governments throughout the continent, and we are still trying to do it. Nice try though, terrorist sympathizer and little imperialist.


Ironic that you make a conspiracy nut joke when you’re the one that thinks capitalism has ever helped anyone but the already rich.

Dude, nobody wants to eat snakes and possums. They only have to because they can’t afford anything else. Because that’s where capitalism put them.


If the “gang of companies” you are implying about have collectively decided you’re not worth the wages you’re asking, then perhaps you’re not worth the wages you’re asking.

This has nothing to do with taxes. And, just so you know, I think there should be a flat rate tax that all companies pay with no deductions. So everyone pays their share.

You’re very free with other peoples money. How about Blizzard decides what they can do with their own money and people decide what to do with their own labour?

If the industry doesn’t pay what someone wants to be paid, then go work in another industry. You don’t have the right to work anywhere or for anyone.

  1. you really need to take an economics class
  2. you cannot hold one example of a seriously corrupt state to represent all of any particular economic/political system. May as well say the current US is a example of how bad a democratic republic is.
  3. Half of Europe, all of Scandinavia and Greenland would like a word

That is whatbaoutism.
You’re acknowledging the bad behavior of Blizzard but pointing at another gaming company as a means of reducing the negative behavior of Blizzard.
How about both be held accountable?


Is anyone else wondering how a discussion of wages in Irvine turned suddenly into a debate about Venezuala?

You guys, sometimes, I swear


You’re just mad because you can’t work for Blizzard or any big gaming company. You probably work at Mcdonalds or Taco Bell.

Let’s put this stupid myth to rest. Scandinavian countries are not socialist. They have extremely robust free markets that enable equally robust social programs ie. Welfare state.


Blizz is a cut throat shareholder capitalism company. American companies used to be far more stakeholder capitalism, where the employees, investors, customers, all mattered.

Now, all that blizzard gives a damn about is maximizing shareholder (I.e. investor) profit at all costs. You can see that in their choice of devs and the lackluster quality of their game (rng on rng, time gates, same exact content just done over and over and over).

What did you expect from a company that fired 800 employees during a record profit year to pay their shareholders more money and their executives 40 million a year.

Sub canceled.

I hope that greedy blizzard goes bankrupt.

You own land and tech moves in
 You just got rich if it is in a good area to be developed

Ah, another uneducated Capitalist who thinks that people are free to do with their labor what they want when there are a limited number of jobs, nearly all of which are provided for by companies that pay very little, if any, federal taxes and who have collectively lobbied Congress for half a century to ensure they can pay everyone lower wages for sharply increased productivity in the workplace. Add onto that the fact that in order to SURVIVE in a Capitalist country, you have to have a source of income, which means you need a job. Especially in a country like America that has essentially no social safety net because of the same rulings I talked about in the previous posts. Nice try though. Pick up a book and try to read it.


Lifted myself from the depths of poverty into the middle class. Trust me, in any other system with the upbringing i’ve had i would had died in the streets.

Capitalism isn’t perfect at all, and globalism definitively highlighted its potential to go haywire. But that’s the thing, the rich benefit from people like me actually having money within the system, as they make money out of mine when i take loans for a car or a house, or when i pay my taxes.

In socialist states it doesn’t matter weather people have money or not since the government can just take and do whatever the hell it wants. Its the exact reason the system failed times and times and times again.

The fact some people will live with a thousand if not a million time more money than i’ll ever have in this system isn’t fair sure.

But life isn’t fair. I don’t understand where that entitlement to fairness even comes from. Look at nature, is there anything fair about it?


We know Blizzard is a garbage company that maximizes profits without any real commitment to ethical practice. The corporate disease that they’re infected with is so obvious even in the game we see today.

I’m sure there are shills that will defend them to any sort of image, but yes, this doesn’t surprise me at all. Blizzard is a trash company and doing things like this while pretending to give a damn about something like BLM proves they were pandering for “woke” points.

/target Blizzard corporate managers.

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Capitalism has raised a select few out of poverty while making the poor even poorer.
Fixed your post for you.



USA #1 :us: :us: :us: :us: :us: :us: :us: :us:


Don’t get dragged into it with the professional trolls. It’s not worth your time or energy, and anyone worth anything sees past it anyway.

Speak for yourself, I’d love to learn to live off the land.

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Here comes the backseat economist. grab your :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: