Pay your employees liveable wages, Blizzard

A democratic republic is only as good as the leaders the people elect to office. Even Russia knows this.

I don’t like gambling.

Looks like we’re screwed for at least another 4 years then. It’s either annoying old orange guy that can’t do anything right, or dementia man who probably won’t even remember he’s president.

Brings up the question of who put them there, and at the same time.

And can we really say it’s “the people” that did? If people feel like they don’t have a choice, is it freedom?

Dementia man (who is also creepy when it comes to women) will at least be surrounded with competents who will staff the government with people who will still be amoral and corrupt, but will at least return society to “no longer on fire”.

And then next go round we can get an actual decent human in there.

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What is one decent human on a foundation of hardened corruption?

Ambulance rides should be free :man_shrugging:
People aren’t taking them as a ‘fun’ experience, people who require an ambulance generally are gravely ill/injured. Financially punishing people who require emergency treatment is gross.

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Biden is younger than some of the folks on the U.S. Supreme Court. And he is more consensus oriented compared to the my-way-or-the-highway you-know-who. Also, can’t picture Biden peddling snake oil cures for coronavirus. Finally (and probably most importantly), he’s not Clinton so it’ll be much easier for people to vote for him as well as against you-know-who.

They are always free to leave and get employment elsewhere. I imagine those jobs are very desirable to some people and people are getting other things in lieu of the best salaries.

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Pay up, Blizzy.

Especially the art team/model designers. Give them a raise if they improve the Nightborne. :sunglasses:

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That article is out of date considering the current situation where many of those employees can work at home so they don’t need to live in ‘x’ place which requires paying higher rent, they can live out and save on rent now and many companies are intending for that kind of thing to be permanent.

They outsource a lot of the artwork to China, you want them to give the Chinese a raise too?

Performance-based pay? Interesting. Maybe Blizz could figure out the hours-played-by-[insert criterion here], whether race, class, spec, gender, etc. and base their performance bonuses on that. lol

If they can get me the changes I want to see for the Nightborne player model, absolutely. :dolls: :red_gift_envelope:

A mega corporation like Blizzard can afford to pay their artists, designers, and programmers a livable wage.

Good news. Almost none of your subscription fee goes to the CEO. Most of the CEO compensation comes for the investors. The board of directors purchase stock options and offer them as part of the compensation. If the stock prices does well (or really well) the CEO makes a ton of money.

So you want the system where you can make video games, but you can’t sell them?
Maybe you should read about Alexey Pajitnov the game developer of Tetris. He created Tetris but due to communism, couldn’t make a profit by selling the game. If wasn’t until the inevitable fall of communism (which always fails) that he could start his own game development company.

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You’re an idiot.

They aren’t “free to leave” if it means risking starvation and homelessness, clown.

I would feel better about the game if I knew a % of the money I spend went to the devs. They’re the key component to making this game great. It’s unlikely, but acti-blizz should share profits on the game directly with them. They might be better motivated to make it good, which would only benefit the players.

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The problem is most of their profits come from candy crush. A game that doesnt require many employees. The games they have like wow that barely make money but require tons of employees are seen as expendable by the company.

People can critique capitalism without wanting soviet-esque communism lmao

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