Pay your employees liveable wages, Blizzard

Do you think unskilled workers deserve a livable wage?

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I don’t think anybody deserves X dollars by default. You bargain your worth

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And if they don’t have an accessible way to improve their skills and thus be able to bargain their worth… then that’s their fault?

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Treating people as not important because they’re less skilled or experienced is messed up.


That is simple, because if they do that, they would tthinkis communism, or even qorse. Sindacalisation!

The sistem in wich we live dosent allow such equality, for that to exist we qould need to ged rid of the eternal and unlimited profit culture that capitalism bring over us.

I am not sayin, that capitalism is bad, but neither i am saying that is good. Only that is flawed, and we as a society needs to find another, better sustanability way to make profit, just enough to live well.

An not over pay single people for basically do nothing.

Never claimed unskilled workers are “not important.” I’ll explain again - your employer pays you what they feel you’re worth in dollars. If you feel you should be paid more you can either A) Convince your employer that they should pay you X, B) Find another employer that will pay you X, or C) Become more valuable to employers.

Either way this conversation wasn’t about unskilled labor until you guys derailed the conversation. It was about Blizzard employees. I doubt the average Blizzard employee is unskilled labor. The majority of Blizzard employees would have gathered enough of a skill set (by making intelligent choices with their own lives) that would give them more than enough leverage that if Blizzard won’t accept option A those employees are more than capable of taking up option B to the many number of jobs looking for people with their skillset.

Maybe they should unionize.

Translation: That wasn’t real Socialism. The next country will get it right…


I feel like this is an appropriate time for this image…

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Whether it’s messed up or not doesn’t change the reality of what it is.

Too often people think of themselves uniquely apart from society when society is as important as ones individualism.

Society rewards value. Value in society is determined by your worth to that society. A hungry mouth isn’t a value it’s a dependency, a liability.

Every day billions of people around this world get up and go do a job they probably don’t feel like doing. If they ceased even for a day the world would be catastrophically worse off for it. That sacrifice we make to society is what makes society what it is. From bakers supplying breakast to the AM folks, to online content creators supplying videos, to doctors and engineers working around the clock to help us live longer and reduce our baggage.

All of this effort is why things are the way they are and all of it can be canceled in a heartbeat by naive fools.

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We all know this doesn’t happen in the majority of jobs

Venezuela was/is a dictatorship hiding under the skirts of socialism. That’s why the faux capitalists who always have their hands out for government-backed bailouts of big business and for corporate tax subsidies always use Venezuela as the poster boy.

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I wonder what would happen if amazon or ashes of creation bought wows art team

It’s not just the US. China, parts of EU are also the same way. I will say, though, that the US is worse which is surprising. Where’s the trickle down? It hasn’t happened. Japan, however, has it. (They have other issues, but income disparity isn’t one of them)

If the Youtube commentariat** start releasing videos about this topic, then watch the moderators start deleting stuff left and right. lol

** Blizzard’s spell checker doesn’t even have this word in its dictionary

See my reply about many people not having access to resources to become more valuable.
So their employer is unwilling to negotiate better pay, there are no other jobs available in your area, and they have no access to resources to improve their lives.
They are stuck at their under paid jobs indefinitely.
Having access to resources is a crucial component to improve your value to employers. Privilege is having that access and assuming everyone has the same access to those resources.
Telling people to “make better choices” is ignorant to say the least.

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It’s almost like trickle down economics is junk theory. Who would’ve thought it? :man_shrugging:


Because apparently asking for fair wages is perceived as commie speak to some political camps. I say this as someone who thinks both political parties are equally sucky. Venezuela is a popular example some people like to pick despite a good number of the EU actually doing pretty well namely the nordic countries.

There’s also the VERY crucial and overlooked issue that jobs in ANY creative field, especially one working for a AAA video game company, have lines out the door and around the block for applicants.

Oh, you don’t want to work for slave wages JUST to work in your field? Bye. There’s 1,500 people who will.

It’s really bad right now in the entertainment industry because of this. Lots of people that were depending on Halloween acting gigs are now out of work for the rest of the year and a lot of them are just grabbing anything they can just to keep working including “volunteer” gigs that pay literally nothing, but if they don’t take it…there’s 50 other people who will.

I wish I could like this a hundred times.