Pay your employees liveable wages, Blizzard

lol exactly. thats what happens when you only get your news from mainstream media. the private sector still controls 70% of venezuelas economy. they are a mixed economy just like the US

they have oil. we want it. they dont care and thats why we put crippling sanctions on them and stage coups

working class folk swear up and down they are capitalist and dont own a damn thing. the people who have the power to repossess your belongings if you miss a payment are the true capitalist. sad seeing a worker who is also a consumer standing in false class solidarity with billionaires/mega corporations



This is the part that I find most people who’re in favor of socialism miss.

Markets set all prices.

Read that again. That includes wages. Its all set based on scarcity. The more people there are in an area, the less people will get paid and the higher prices will be for basic goods like housing.

On a very simple level its no different than putting something on the auction house or selling carries. If you are the only one doing it or that has it, you set the price. If there are already 10-20 of the same thing for sale, you have to reduce the price or offer some incentive to get others to buy yours.

Its why anyone who was a Democrat before Obama knew buy American, were against outsourcing/offshoring and supported unions. Its also why even the most leftist people supported limiting who we let in the country and limiting the number of H1B visas. More supply of workers benefits companies and lowers wages for employees.

Why did I say all this? We have a system that can work, we just need to stop giving companies more workers than they need and wages will rise, like they had before the CV.

You’re trying to hard

Umm do you even America bro? Do you not know who our “leader” is or have heard ANY of the crap he’s spewed the last 4+ years?

The dude is the literal definition of an entitled capatilist prick AND he non stops blames others (literally anyone you can imagine) for his nigh endless shortcomings (and those of his party too).

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Did not expect to find a Bree Newsome Bass quote on the WoW forums but I respect it.

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Oof. I just read the article in question. That’s sad. Kind of explains why there’s almost nothing new in the game and it’s recycled meshes. Belf hair mesh? “We will use the gnomes and then also that one mesh for when they wear a hat and call it good.”

“New druid forms? Nah, reskin gorilla.”

“Interesting artifacts? Pfft. No time. Remake some old world assets and add a glow.”

Poor devs :frowning: No incentive to be creative.

Of all the jobs I ever wanted and applied for, including trying to get into the military, commission-based sales still makes me the most money to this day.

It’s really sad when your passion of radio and voice-acting makes less money than selling stuff.

Inb4 thread mysteriously disappears like all of the threads during the hong kong debacle :upside_down_face:

lost count of how many times i retweeted

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And for the most part, they live in the same suburbs the workers do.


Yeah. It seems the US in particular has a massive discrepancy between its lowest and highest employees, just like between the rich and the poor.


Once you become CEO you can start making changes.

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So what you’re saying is you don’t want the employees to be paid a decent wage?

What I am saying is what we want doesn’t make a damn difference.

Exactly, Well Said.

Fake news.

The proposal to keep contracts at 17 years was in regards to debt, which was lastly stated as any debt that exists longer than the natural working years of a then adult, about 19 years.

Jefferson certainly did not mean that MSM, governors and others could trample the rights of the individual by fiat majority inside the cities. They would all consider our current government and its laws abhorrent.

Not everyone cherishes a 40 hour work week. The more equality we enforce the more individualism is squelched.

You answered your own statement.

If guest worker visas were allowed in the trades this country would burn. Because the tradesmen would never put up with it.

Like when certain grocers tried to replace union drivers with temp drivers the union drivers blocked the roads with firearms.

Unfortunately IT folks don’t think the same way.

That was my situation years ago as well. I make 75k in an area where the average individual income is 35k. Why on earth would I move to LA and make 100k in a place I need 300k to live comfortably?

I may not be a genius but my math isn’t that bad.

I don’t doubt it.

That’s correct. Because tech changes every 5-10 years.

What you’re learning now probably won’t matter 10 years from now and won’t be marketable.

In the trades this is rarely true.

That’s crony capitalism. Or politicians working with the rich to bend the rules in their favor.

If that’s true then the entire premise of Socialism is bad, because it assumes the best of the typically worst.

Then it isn’t Marxism. Marx had the view that your ownership of property was a limiting, primitive orchestration of capital. That it should be owned by the collective to maximize its value.

What you sound like you’re describing is Libertarian which is nothing like Marxism / Socialism. Libertarian being liberty focused which includes the right to property, the right to speak freely, the right to contracts, so on and so forth.

As opposed to a socialist tyrant who makes the same millions regardless of how badly run your economy is.

There was no shortage of bread at Stalin’s table regardless of how many Ukrainians were starving to death.

CEOs work. There’s a reason they get paid so much. The heath and well being of the company in large part can be wrecked by having a bad CEO.

Depends on the year. Lately it’s been really good there but they’ve had years where profit margins were negative.

And most of the profit these days is driven by the store. Sadly.


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Man when NA wakes up this thread is going to explode.

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Americans get underpaid all the time. It sucks for everyone and Blizzard too. Yes, I want them to be paid more and they deserve it. It’s that simple.

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So bliz makes the most money from a single game continuously due to monthly subs but pays its people the least… that makes sense.

Oh the irony

Having no marketable skills to the point of you having no leverage on your own employment is a choice. Make better choices. Be less entitled