Pay your employees liveable wages, Blizzard

You should try it on a salad next time you are out . Just ask for Thousand Island

Stalinism, Maoism and Soviet communism are what you’re talking about. Not all socialism is or needs to be that. Garbage American history books have convinced generations of halfwitted American zombies that socialism = Soviet Russia, case closed. Not true.

Free markets, the profit motive, competition…true socialism requires all of the above to work.

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In capitalism it seems they think they need to pay Ceos millions even though they are the most useless and overpaid job on the planet right now.

And you often see them get free government money only to spend it on their own shares like rn with covid, because their millions of salary also depends on how the share does in the market.

Funny how the stock market is doing just fine during a global economic crisis, doesnt have anything to do with government taking tax money from everyone and giving it to the ultra rich in the pretense it will trickledown so they get even more money in reality since they use it for their own stocks


it would be cool to be CEO and get millions$. Working sucks

Agree with you, but if the CEO is only making a little more than their employees and isn’t in some gated island community but is neighbors with the employees, they might start to treat them like humans. And that’s just not good for share holders.

Unsubscribe then? I mean, if you feel like sticking it to the man, then quit giving them your money.

Oh? People are finally realizing this, fact of the matter is there is so much morally bankrupt business practices in this country that I don’t even bother trying to be moral about it anymore, it’s not worth the effort. Now I’m just a morally bankrupt human that buys products from morally bankrupt companies, that is the cycle. You can’t avoid it.

Bigoted as always. No, we can quite clearly see the recurring outcomes of socialist societies/economies. Elements of socialism already exist in the U.S., and the “socialism” so many, what is your term, “halfwitted zombies” point to in the nations under the Nordic model are actually also market economies that mix capitalism and socialism.

“It just hasn’t been done right yet.”

The U.S. needs a higher ratio of socialism in its mix, but not dramatically more.

We’re the richest country on Earth. You’ve got to be a special kind of stupid to think these multi-billion dollar companies can’t pay their workers a living wage.


In America? More sacred than politicians, police, and clergy by a country mile.

You should be thanking burger flippers for their service every day.


Only way to stop rich people getting richer is to stop buying from them. No video games, no wal mart, no lowes, etc. Spread the wealth amongst local businesses. Capitalism wont change. Government wont step in.

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Just gonna say, this is wrong.

This video reveals how many of those overpaid producers and Ceos are actually just giant manbabies who hide their ugly self from the cameras, but leaks thankfully exist

Didn’t realize we were playing semantics here. Guess I should have said wealthiest. Doesn’t change the fact of what I said.

Right on cue for the Jim whining.

After living on Venezuela and having fled to a neighboring country, I must say that capitalism is a blessing most first world liberals don’t understand.


Yeah you just moved to the source of the coups and sanctions that like to pretend are not the cause of why things are bad in said countries, clueless.jpg

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Here’s why this post is clueless: this chud arrogantly assumes that everyone is in a position to just up and quit. Because in Horgan’s galaxy brain, the idea that there are people who are less well off than Horgan is lunacy.

There’s all this civil unrest is because people literally cannot get away from their minimum wage hell jobs without risking starvation. But sure, wax poetic about how awesome it is to be able to just leave your job without wondering if you’ll be sleeping indoors that evening.

Entitled people are trash.


I hope you never have to live that nightmare called socialism in your country. Socialist leaders always blame others for their own incompetence.

Looks like someone hasnt been long enough in the capitalist world xD