Pay your employees liveable wages, Blizzard

0% of this is true. 100% of this is idiotic.

Capitalism incentivizes hoarding wealth to make more wealth. Source: reality. Most “socialist” regimes aren’t, when scrutinized, actually socialist; they’re totalitarian and often bolstered by capitalist interests: Source: reality, again.

Protip: Before speaking, ensure you know what you’re talking about. You’ll sound like less of a clown that way.

Now sit down.

HEAVILY depends on where you live. Where i am $23 an hour is middle class lol.

It’s been my experience that in tech jobs, the model is different from the old stereotypical boomer model where you work for 1 or 2 companies over your life with annual/bi annual raises for loyalty…

Tech more works like… you work at a place for 6-12months then interview everywhere you can for a higher salary, take that offer back to your company, which they will almost assuredly reject because companies today treat employees like batteries… then take the job at the new company and repeat the process again every 6-12 months until you make enough to not want to bother with the process.

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I personally prefer the French/German/Israeli model. Health insurance companies still exist, they must provide a basic level of care defined by the government with the tax dollars provided. Then they compete with each other to draw members by improving service and offering add on packages that people buy at an additional cost. Think Silver / Gold / Platinum plans. To me, its the best of both worlds. Everyone has basic coverage, individuals can improve their coverage/service by paying more in a scaled way.

The problem with single payer as I see it is that there are no incentives to improve service and only the very wealthy who can afford to pay medical costs out of pocket have any way of improving their coverage.

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I never said it was ‘sacred’ just don’t be surprised with an attitude like that if you’re BigMac has EXTRA special sauce.

It won’t if I get one made by a robot. Believe it or not I’ve never had a Big Mac though. Something about the sauce just turns me away.

Fun fact, only 1% of people in this country are wealthy. this is the country of the one percent. and literally every type of media and propaganda is run by the wealthy, which means most the country is brainwashed thinking it is fine well the dude hoarding hundreds of milions or even billions tells you why socialism is apparently so bad.

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What is it with you and that orc’s robot fixation?
Seriously bro, stop staring at the Mechagon women. Didn’t your mom ever tell you your eyes would fall out?

Employees choose to accept their wages or not. I left my last job because it wasn’t paying what I believed my worth to be. I found a job that paid me my worth. If I ever reach a point where my current employer won’t pay me my worth I will go find another business that will. You choose to work for a company that isn’t paying your worth. Leave and find another if you’re dissatisfied - if enough people are dissatisfied the business will need to change to actually keep staff.


Up to covid I spent the last 3 years as a sous chef that worked his way up from diswhwasher . I got bumped down to lead line , my exec to sous and our regional chef is now our exec .

I know a lot about the food service industry . It pays my bills.

Irony is saying the whole country is brainwashed by the media while repeating lines you’ve learned from the media-education complex.

That is amusing. We get it you are a socialist so you do not know economics or history. The only correct thing you said was that socialist societies tend to go to totalitarianism but that is not bolstered on capitalist interest but is instead based on consolidating political power to control the masses and based on controlling the means of production by the state (which is not a capitalist ideology).

You must have also gotten a degree of economics from Boston University like AOC. What a joke you socialists are. Take your own advise: “Before speaking, ensure you know what you’re talking about. You’ll sound like less of a clown that way.”


Fixation is a weird way to describe “wrote it in a couple of posts.” In any case, how else am I supposed to avoid these wild hordes of “special sauce” emitting fry cooks?

Idk, maybe eat at home? Or perhaps take your lunch? No robots or horrible people involved in either scenario. Unless you are secretly a robot.

I don’t know about you all, but I prefer my games made by an anarcho-syndicate.

Both good suggestions. And yes, sometimes people are robots and they don’t even know it. Saw that in a documentary about Blade Running.

You cannot be paid more than the value you produce otherwise you are no longer an assets to the company. If my employment generates $8 of revenue an hour and the company pays me $10 per hour, they will lose money and I will either be fired or never hired to begin with. The actual value of your labor is dependent of the supply (how many people can and are willing to do the job) and the demand for your services.

If you make $10 an hour and I make $16 an hour. I have effectively $6 dollar per hour “lead” on you when it comes to economic buying power. You are wrong if you think the price of goods and services in an area isn’t reflective of the overall money making of that region. As a REAL simple example…go ahead and tell me how much a say…1500 square foot house costs in NYC or LA vs “insert random midwest flyover state/city”?

Now say you get bumped up to $15 an hour and I’m still at $16. Do you honestly think goods and services are going to stay at the price those previously making $10 an hour made? You’re wrong if you do. So now those price of goods now reflect the new reality of $15 so I who am now my $16 is getting me far less than it was. It absolutely is an indirect nerf to my economic standing for everyone else to get raised up if I also don’t get the same kind of treatment.

A flat tax also massively hurts the poor who feel every dollar unless you are going to start adding in exceptions and qualifiers and stuff (which then will just evolve back to our current rigged system).


Yeah. I mean what does one do with that ammount of money? I’m sure some spend it but my god.

Like I’m happy making 30k a year LOL and I would donate to someone in need in a heart beat.

What they don’t get is all these people pushing for these increases in min wages are forcing themselves out of a job .

My state just did it’s last increase from the last min wage vote and we are at $12/hour and you go to Taco Bell (kiosks) Red Robin, Chili’s ,Olive Garden and Applebees have little terminals at the tables people can order from and pay there tab through.

I’m just glad my restaurant is a tier above those places and we have actual servers and they tend to pay .50 -$1 above minimum for starting and that is for dishwashers and cooks start at $13 + .Wait staff is different because of tips they make a reduced hourly base.

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