Pay to win game

World first aren’t the only people that have been exploiting. Also they aren’t just nerfing some corruption powers they are also buffing others this has already lead to people buying all corruption gear they can get their hands on in hopes of them getting a lucky deal when the fix comes next reset.

What? How is removing corruption effects from BoE’s anywhere near removing the AH?

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So… remove the AH also 'cause Azeroth forbid people buy top notch gear BoE’s, cause people can get the best gear yet somehow still suck at the highest end content…

Yup… pay to win… :roll_eyes:

OP is gonna make Mental Gymnastics an Olympic sport.

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Definitely looking in the wrong spots. I see it pretty constantly, they’ve moved to multiboxing bots so people that can’t tell the difference between regular multiboxing and bots doing it don’t report. Not enough reports = basically never getting looked at. Gold selling sites still around, and boosting is most definitely still around.

Lol, the people saying this game is pay to win because of some BoEs have never played a P2W game.

I will you want an examples of what P2W is lets talk about Perfect World international.

In Perfect world international you needed 200k rep to be able to buy the best armor in the game, a friend of mine dedicated 1 whole year of his life to grind quests that awarded 20 rep (had to kill stuff over 1 hour to get it done), only to find out the next expansion was going to introduce an even stronger set that required 300k rep, or you could pay 100 dollars per 100k rep.

On top of that you needed to refine your gear to +12, if you didn’t use specific items your equipment had to chance to be destroyed or to be downgraded to +0 unless you used dragon orbs (available only for real life concurrency) to protect your upgrades.

On top of that you had to buy “packs” for a 0.2% chance of getting a piece of item that was required to craft the BiS necklace, if I remember well every pack had a price of 2 dollars and they had a 98% chance of giving you an useless item.

Through the 2 years I played they reduced the price of the items normal players (aka P2P players) from 16k coins at max level to 1 coin to combat the bots that the chinese version had, the US version did not have a serious botting problem but it had a healthy population of farmers, which was slowly wiped as they removed the income of the normal players.

Today it is a game with a reduced played base of whales fighting each other with their heavy wallets.

WoW is not near to what a P2W game is at all, stop being delusional.

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‘because this game isn’t as p2w as this game it’s not p2w’ isn’t exactly an argument.

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Someones upset that Classic raids turned out to be incredibly easy when everyone had stable internet connections and had more than 5-10 FPS to play on.

You don’t win anything filling up 2-3 slots with BoEs, you cannot top charts, one shot players or being the best at anything, what are you exactly winning when you get 1mill gold through tokens?

You cannot buy more bag space than anyone else nor extended bank space, there is 1 transmog set locked behind money but can be earned in game if you ask someone with the mount to summon the quest giver for you, not only that, you can also buy every item from the shop with ingame concurrent which is not hard to get

By the way, I am not in any way a blizzard supporter, it is a company that is not what it used to be and I consider it sketchy at best, but calling wow a P2W game when you don’t win anything is not right.


Actually, you can. Have yo not seen all the clips of players basically getting 1 shot by new corruption effects and corruption effects doing 30-40% of peoples total dmg? People topping dmg and getting high rating just by the corrupted items they have?
You can buy more bag/bank space with multiple accounts, guild banks, etc. You can buy everything you need via gold, which can be bought for real $. There is actually several transmog sets now that are locked behind paywalls, RAF with the backpack being a huge one and of course the new preorder set. You do, also have to have a preorder in to get the quest.

No, none of the shop items are available for gold. Only $. You can, convert gold to bnet balance only and it sure takes a lot longer to farm gold than it does to buy a token and sell it

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By achieving the goals you and others set in the game.

If your goal is to complete the mythic raid before anyone else you might spend $40000 on BOEs with good corruption for example.

Did I miss an update or something?
I’m not seeing anything outside of boosts that are pay to win.
And even that isn’t really winning.

I was just thinking that. These spiraling arguments are silly. There are plenty more important things to worry about. Like how to kidnap Dolly and Dot from Orgrimmar and make them realize I am their best friend, not Meerah.


What? This doesn’t even make sense.

people refuse to admit it, but yes, wow has been pay to win for years now
ever since tokens came in
that is, IF you consider AOTC or gear “winning” yupp
many cheeves too with paid carries
people hate the idea tho so refuse to admit it :smiley:

It is more “pay to get a leg up, if you feel like wasting money”, rather than “pay to win.”

Nice, can’t wait to try out the powerful items they sell. Can you link the url to the items that I can buy in the shop that give me an instant advantage over other players?


Yes, you can buy corrupted pieces. Buy wow tokens, sell wow tokens for gold. Use gold to buy corrupted pieces on AH. Have you actually logged in lately?


Checking the AH for things to spend a hundred dollars on isn’t what I do when I log in.

that’s not p2w even without the token people can buy money for farmers or pay with real money items or mythic runs…

the “p2w” you say is unavoidable the only thing blizzard could do was make the token

Sorry to tell you wow is p2w. You can buy gold and buy anything. Buy mythic runs, full gear, get carried in pvp etc. The only thing in wow that is not p2w is getting old transmog and mounts. You can p2w the whole game if you want.