Pay to win game

they are still there, youll see like 20 boomkins with and hunters just spinning in circles with perma chain newking, still cool to look at :expressionless: report em and blizz does nothing still there a week later

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What did they “win” that mount though? Did it give them access to a part of the game that no one else can access without it? No, it just made them “cool”, and gave them convenient access to the AH.

But the game still needed to be played to reach neck lvl 80. All they paid for was someone else to do it for them. Again, convenience.

Feeling like you have to do it isn’t the same as actually being required to do it because the only source of the currency needed is in the shop.

What do players get when they get a world first? That may be the only thing that I can kind of concede to. But they also get there by being on the PTR to see what the content is before it goes live. World first is meaningless to me, personally, because it should be about the first people actually accomplishing it naturally, and not by practicing and knowing what they need way before the World First accomplish it released live.

I still stick to this game being pay for convenience. Anything that these people are getting with their token purchases, I can plug along and do on my own with only my sub.(well, except the world first stuff :stuck_out_tongue: ). I’m not required to spend money on the tokens.


Tokens were a good idea but they needed to remove any connections gold had to gear with the BoE market. Blizzard could solve this whole problem by either removing corruption effects from BoE gear or removing BoE’s while they have such a powerful system in place.


I say remove tokens and lvl boosts.

Pay to Win games don’t let you change your gears every six month…
That’s real pay to win
And it’s not like you just buy powerful weapons and done! Like that
You have to put money constantly to upgrade weapons (and gears) everytime dev add some new system
I’m casual player always so I don’t care
but OP doesn’t know what Pay to Win is haha
Trust me I know

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AH mouth yeah is a nice thing to have, but 5 mil in wow tokens ect ect.

The neck is a requirement for a lot of competitive guilds to stay a member and or not lose your raid spot ect so its competition on whos more dedicated blah blah, and as I said I can give more examples im not really here to do that :expressionless: PVP was brought up by someone else, that right there is game breaking in by itself.

I dont have to put money into the system except the sub. If I get good enouph to mythic raid before shadowlands it won’t be because I bought it. But the sad truth is I could I could pay for carries and then pay a guild to let me raid with them. So how is that not pay to win. Remove tokens and boom. No more pay to win.

What’s left then for the common guy and guild to make money?

Farming? Please. Only herbalist make any sort of money and even then, guilds that use flasks and pots just farm themselves.

Battle pets? Only the unobtainable pets seem to have any value.

And anyhow, before tokens, you had RMT so the problem was still present. At least now with tokens, the gold isn’t created, it shifts around.

There are different levels of pay to win, there is a reason blizzard is focusing on the mobile games atm.

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I’m going to go play to win now. If you are that concerned about new players keep in mind the developer is too, and next expansion is supposed to help with that.

What I’m seeing is people saying the outcome of how people play has to be controlled, or else if you can spend any $$ it’s pay to win. Historically as far as I know the developer made the WOW token to better regulate gold sellers and protect the average player. Making gold sales was about demand, and the devs need to maintain game balance. It was way worse before and against the TOS, gold farmers probably had horrible lives then too. Everything that you are talking about that is against the TOS is something the developer is battling, not something they designed into the game.

If you are blaming the developer “you made this game pay to win just to make money” then we disagree.

If you are just stating “wow has pay to win outcomes because players game the system, and the developer is working to make this better especially for new players” then we agree.

Tokens is blizzard rmt its customers.

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Then you refuse to play.

Hmm… it’s interesting point. I thought people didn’t want to put too much real money into sth like raid carries because you know you will replace it with new ones within six months. But if you do such things every six month- well it can be kinda pay to win though.

Yeah it looks like it. I never thought wow could be pay to win game… I mean, who does pay so much for sth that will be useless in six month? But well… hm?

Like I said, their hand were forced. And I’d ather the gold be traded than having the gold farmer creating it.

The gold is deffinately still created. There are people who dont play the game like u and I. They spend all day running a 5 man multibox. Creating gold is all that they do. And there are still bots from time to time.

Its a slow change over time, a cultural shift they are hardly noticed. For example do you think we behave now like we did in 2010? 2000? 1990? did we notice the change as it happened? Look at the blizz store, mounts all those pay for items.

No one unless they sat down to think about it really considers how much change has happened.

Look at Bethesda, Look at EA how they started and how they do business now.

Look at Warcraft 3, blizzard 20 years ago would have said, we sucked, sorry we droped the ball. Blizzard 2020, we are sorry you didn’t like our game and it didn’t live up to your expectations, they are testing to see what they can get away with man =p

There is plenty of resources out there on how to make gold. BoE were always very unstable to sell and were only a nice bonus. This still means nothing when these corruption effects have created a situation where players can buy massives amount of ingame power unlike there has never been before.

Removing Corruption from BoE’s seems like the best solution where you still have the BoE market without the game breaking side of it.

I do believe there is a chance that Blizzard added corruption effects to BoE’s through greed but I don’t want to believe that in hopes of keeping what little faith I have left in Blizzard.

I do believe that this is just incompetence on blizzards part as usual but I do find it strange that they aren’t doing anything to fix this problem but instead are taking steps that will inflate the sales of more BoE’s.

I mean it’s pretty common. most people like to feel powerful how much of a reach is it that someone put money into the game to buy something that will give them a massive power increase. We already have content creators and famous players already admitting to spending money on WoW tokens to buy corruption gear. Hell in the method stream one of the casters claimed they spent 120 usd on wow tokens to buy corruption so he could do more dps.

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Yea, get rid of ah as well. If you didn’t earn it you don’t get it. :roll_eyes:

Previously the gold was being created in a similar way, but it wasn’t a fixed price and it was outside TOS. Focusing solely on the gold farming, not the level boosting. There were people in other countries working at creating gold as a job, using exploits, bots, way more market demand prior to the token. Adding in the token was the best way IMO to address the demand and control the supply. It was not only game breaking, it was costing way too much money for the developer to police, and impacting the players.

I agree the gold is still being created. Now within the TOS and the outlines the developers allow. Still time played and now going through the in game shop and AH, much safer. Specialization is part of regular market forces. When someone comes up with a way of playing that causes imbalance does that mean it should immediately be banned? No it should be tested and balance adjusted in a way that doesn’t impact other playstyles. This is the way MMO’s work, constant patches to address balance issues and exploits that are identified.

So the patch to reduce the corruption power, balancing this, seems to be a direct response. So is the issue players have that the WORLD FIRST was gamed and gimmicked? It wasn’t fair? Is this real life or do games have to be perfectly fair to be fun…