Pay to win game

You have absolutely no idea what pay to win means if you think this game is pay to win, like not even a little bit of an idea.

Is he really wrong though? Real money can be used to buy gold, and that gold can be used to buy items that are used to win at the game.

Pay to win - a situation where the player can buy in-game content or in-game changes, with real money, that give the player a gameplay advantage or advance the player gameplaywise.

What part of buying gold with real money and buying items or Carrie’s is not okay to win. Gold is a type of progression that cantie into most things in wow.

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Cool, and you can’t do that here.

I just said how you can do it. Are you trolling or something

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No, are you trolling?

WoW is not pay to win, no matter how hard you try to twist it this game is simply not pay to win. lol

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Then argue against my point. Just saying it’s not is not actually arguing my point.

Gold is something you can buy. Gold is also tied to progression, you can buy m plus Carrie’s raid Carrie’s and you can buy op armor. How is that not pay to win over somebody that doesnt buy gold.

When I came back in 8.2 I had no gear and I skipped progression by buying a mplus carry which gave me like 8 peices of gear all together including the end of the week cache.

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Cool. That doesn’t make it pay to win. Players have bought gold from gold sellers for years too, still not pay to win.

I would if you had one. This game isn’t pay to win.

I will never understand people like you. This Is how science was oppressed in early years and how basic facts are ignored. Its incredible, really… denying reality or is it something else. This is how radical alt left and right things start, pure ignorance and zero ability or needto actually look into basic truths

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You seem to be using a very strict definition of “p2w = buying actual items themselves from the company” when the only difference is that people can buy tokens from the company that are then used to buy items. One extra step doesn’t make a whole lot of difference.


I think at this point they are just arguing to argue, a lot of these replies are just so stupid I cant even take them seriously enuff to respond. even that panda is admitting in her own loop that its pay to win but its not bc you could do it from a third party… but you can do that win anything in any other game ? like they don’t get it.


They get it, they’re just trying very hard not to admit to themselves that they get it. If someone doesn’t have a problem with it that’s one thing, but pretending it doesn’t exist is just weird.


ok it is pay to win like every other game in the world, because it doesn’t matter the company there will be always people who pays others to make their tasks

what is your solution? quiting boes from AH? that will kill the fantasy of a mmo economy more than it is now, in mmos people craft powerful thing to sell is that a p2w too?

quiting wowtoken isn’t the solution neigther because when token didn’t exist people bought runs too and bought gold from farmers

what another solution there is?

In a p2w you have no choice to achieve power than paying, in wow you can do everything you please without real money, you can even buy things from the store with ingame gold, never ever spending a coin for mounts or pets

your definition of p2w if so wide all games fit in it, even tetris.

I worry the only thing they learn from this is the increase in token sales to bring it back in SL

You can literally turn cash into gear, and gear = win.


Removing corruption effects from BoE’s seems like the best solution. Corruption effects are the main problem atm since some of them can make up 20%-40% of a players dps based on the corruption. Even though there is going to be nerfs to some of the effects there is going to be buffs to others.

BoE’s where never really a problem before because the gear was never as powerful as they were this patch. the simple removal of corruption from BoE will remove this P2W advantage currently in the game.

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Sounds like the main gripe is BOE’s having too much power, being BiS, causing the streamers and World firsties to blow up the market, which incentivizes farmers to focus on that demand. That is a problem.

The other side is the term Pay to Win directly applies to a developer business model wherein they sell items directly to the end player, that are not created from in game play, that are extremely hard to get in game without buying. This is a short term model because most games following that midel fail and can’t sustain enough monthly subs to keep growing player base, keep development going and new content coming. Wow is just not that model.

Those are not the same thing. Pay to Win implies that Blizzard created a new BiS item and is selling it in the shop. I get the feelings shared here that the developer is sketchy and thinking they may have done this on purpose to raise token sales. Or thinking it’s Activisions influence. Any business major will tell you that you don’t cook the golden goose. They recently released Classic, subs are up, next retail xpac is on it’s way, playtime is up. That is the focus for them IMO, not BoE items and tokens.

At the same time WoW especially is a mix of complex systems, changing one thing has other unintended consequences. Those who don’t follow the TOS can hide for awhile as the developer identifies the pattern and sorts out the impacts first. It doesn’t help to do a ban wave and then have them come right back, or miss half. Great to share those new things and check out the multi boxers to test if they are botting. Maybe a better focused place to identify trends and share that so people are aware. Any streams want to take that one up?

It sounds to me like you just don’t want others to have nice things. Getting a BoE that has the perfect corruption is like winning the lottery.

Take two players.

Player 1 has been playing the game for 3 months but is rich. They bought tokens and used them to exchange for gold and bought BOEs on the Auction House.

Player 2 has been playing the game since vanilla. They are not rich but acquired the same items through playing the game.

Player 1 got them faster. Player 1 has maybe… idk, a month? TWO months? before Player 2 catches up.

You can pay for your WoW sub with gold.
You can buy BOEs with gold.

If you think this is pay to win then you’re right. It’s pay to win for 2 months until everyone else with a brain catches up.

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