Pay to win game

That new player doesn’t need that Bis boe.

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Developer isn’t limiting access to someone unless they pay. Someone is playing the content because they want to, then selling goods or service to someone else, who is buying with $$ because they can save time. The developer allows this and regulates, but only $$ required to access content is subscription. Subscription model is not pay to win. Pay to win is short term and usually blows up. Subscription milks the player base over time, and requires good content to reach enough players to maintain the model.

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But it’s not something that is required by the game to do. You don’t NEED to buy the tokens. The items aren’t only available on the shop or only purchasable by currency that can only be obtained on the shop. Just because a person feels like the have to buy the tokens doesn’t make it something they have to do.


That’s a fine opinion, but does the new player feel that way?

He shouldn’t. BoE is a miniscule portion of the 16 pieces of gear.

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I don’t think you guys quite understand how much money the wow tokens bring in for blizzard or how people use them.

The AH mount for example. I know people who bought wow tokens to cap on cool down till they had enuff money to purchase it.

Island neck Powerleveling, people wanted lvl 80 necks so they bought the wow tokens to pay farmers so they could afk farm the necks.

BiS BoE with corr items, some higher group end content requires you to have a stars or echo 3, its just the way the game is with this titanforge system and there is nothing else in the game they feel they can do so they shell out enuff cash for the 3 mil gold item.

Look at the race for world first? do you know how much money they paid in server transfers wow tokens and other things to fill in the missing gold to buy all those BoE’s and get them to their raiders? you know the raid is attuned now with every dps having those BiS boe’s and they still hit enrage?

I can keep going

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you guys can keep denying pay to win doesn’t happen, im envious :expressionless: you choose to play the game in a way that’s good for you.

Some people don’t, but too deny the pay to win option isn’t there is foolish

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Forums: BoE Corrupted Items make the game P2W!]


You don’t have to pay for everything in pay to win games either…it just takes forever to get anywhere without it.

The fact people can take their credit card, buy a few tokens for gold and buy a BiS item does kind of take away from the spirit of the game. There is no “winning” in PvE WoW though. The only person you’re competing against is yourself.

The people who should have gripes about this are PvPers as they actually compete against other players not NPCs. We all know Blizzard doesn’t care about high end PvP though because it has the lowest amount of people participating.

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Hah I didn’t even use PVp example, that’s prolly the biggest one I feel bad for PvPrs

I accept that wow is a P2W game now, the people saying this isn’t have no idea what P2W is and have never played a P2W MMO. I’ve played plenty of P2W MMOs in the past and blizzard is already more P2W than the lighter cases like EE and Age of Wushu. They still haven’t reached the level of AA or AAU yet but it’s very easy to implement systems that will tip it over the edge.

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We understand. You seem to be missing the fine points. Pay to win is a business model used by game developers to make fast cash, and it typically limits the game. In that model the developer sells gold or items directly for cash. It takes game code and makes a digital item from nothing for real $$.

Wow doesn’t do that. They allow players to list gold for sale to other players who trade game time or gift balance. Players create the value first by trading played time. What you are describing is a group of players at a high level using their skills to generate $$ by advertising, playing the game, then using $$ they make to invest back in the game. The profit is going back to the players, and the developer also profits off their activities.

Yeah all those broken BoEs made the race when I don’t think anyone was over 39 corruption for Nzoth last I checked.

whats a wow token to a player that does not have the gold.

And you are incorrect

The new player is also more likely to waste it since they are going to just die to the thing from beyond chasing after their lucky charms.

By this logic Archeage isn’t a P2W game since you could sell a subscription token through their auction house exactly like WoW does (WoW even took the idea from them), lets ignore the fact that the devs call it a P2W game that they had to make a new version for.

This game isn’t P2W.

It’s just a crap game.

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I agree. It is pay to win(just on these specific pieces)because some of the corruption procs are insanely powerful, such as twilight devestation and infinite stars and will give you an edge over players.

Let’s not forget that Blizzard had more or less their hands forced into coming up with this token thing. They had to do something to stop the gold farmers and RMT. Maybe I haven’t been looking at the right spots, but I haven’t seen bots in a long while.

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