Pay to win game

It is theoretically possible to pay for a slight advantage.

Earlier you were arguing you couldn’t now you say you can. You don’t even know what to believe.

In practice it isn’t a thing.

In practice, I can pay 60 dollars for a max level character with 400 ilvl.

It is dishonest to brand an entire game pay to win because a handful of numbskulls have the option to spend several thousand dollars for end of expansion gear.

This just in, phone games aren’t pay to win because only a small fraction of their player base spends thousands of dollars on them. If you person is able to pay for an advantage it doesn’t matter that 9 million other people didn’t pay. That one person did, they paid to win, simple.

The issue just isn’t there.

I agree. There is no issue with WoW being pay to win, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t.

Someone COULD spend that kind of money

Contradicting yourself again.

but the evidence just isn’t there to say they do so regularly enough to where it impacts competition in any real way

The evidence just isn’t there to say they DON’T regularly enough to where it DOESN’T impact competition in any real way.

because even if they did it still doesn’t get them into the top leaderboards without skill like a real P2W game does.

Agreed if we are speaking about PVE. In PvP gold can get you to the top of the leader boards. In pet battles gold can get you to the top of the leader board. Then there are even more things such as buying a max level character which does not affect leader boards.

WoW is still pay to win. Sorry.

People can scream that this game is P2W all they want.
But it all boils down to being a L2P game.

This is coming from a guy who has does only +2 mythics. Has not even completed a raid even on LFR and is 429 ilvl.

This isn’t a L2P thing. I mainly do PvP and I am 2600, higher rating than 99% of the people who have ever or will ever play this game. The fact is you can’t admit that the game you love is pay to win, it’s a psychological thing, period.

Ok I don’t raid, I literally have zero chance of getting Cutting Edge. Yet if I really wanted to I could just buy a carry. Which means if I don’t spend money I have 0 chance of getting that achievement and the gear associated with it, or I drop the cash and get carried. I therefor paid to win because without paying for it I had a 0% chance of ever doing it.

At that point, my credit card would be the only reason I would have that achievement/title and the gear. Literally the only reason

Ye, I tried, didn’t like it. So I stopped doing it.
Then tried it again a few days ago, still didn’t like it.
And raiding doesn’t really interest me at all anymore. Alliance kinda ruined that for me.

Ye, I tried, didn’t like it. So I stopped doing it.
Then tried it again a few days ago, still didn’t like it.

Luckily you can buy gold for real life money and then you can pay someone to carry you through the content.

And raiding doesn’t really interest me at all anymore. Alliance kinda ruined that for me.

A faction in-game ruined a game mechanic for you. Interesting.

I’d like WoW to stop it with their esports push. I don’t want to win WoW. I want to play WoW, sit around with friends, kill old bosses, buy cakes in bulk from Dalaran vendors, and whatnot.

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I don’t care, I don’t plan on buying carries. Just gonna quest in peace.

And yes, they did.

I don’t think eliminating esports type of content would have a good impact on the game. Wow classic is the prime example of that, look at the hype and the amount of players that played it and the large majority have already quit and moved on from it cause there’s nowhere near the replay value that retail wow has.

If all the content is easy and catered to casuals there would be no reason to continue to log on once you got your BiS gear you would essentially have beaten the game.

I mean I’m even worried about shadowlands with there being no corruption or titanforging. The game will be a ghost town 6 weeks into each patch. People already drop out of m+ keys if the timer is in question, just think how it’s going to be when there’s no chance at even getting an upgrade cause you have all the gear you need.

WoW is not pay to win.

I know this isn’t really relevant to this thread however the title made me think of the “You play to win the game” quote from some nfl coach(?).

WoW is not pay to win.

Good job addressing my argument and coming up with an amazing rebuttal.

Plot twist WoW is still pay to win. Sorry.

No it isn’t. There is no one clear definition of Pay to win.

Sorry, you didn’t win anything and can’t win anything so it can’t be pay to win.

Sorry, you didn’t win anything and can’t win anything so it can’t be pay to win.

Didn’t ask don’t care. Pay to win. I win.

I hear what you’re saying, and I think there is a lot of truth to it. There are a lot of people who want to get on the leaderboards. I would be very appreciative if they kept non-competitive ways to progress in the picture, though.

Except you may have paid but didn’t win anything.

Except you may have paid but didn’t win anything.

I always win. Sorry not sorry.

Looks like you just lost. You will be sorry about it.

Looks like you just lost. You will be sorry about it.

Sorry already won.