Pay to win game

You haven’t won anything. Sorry not sorry.

You haven’t won anything. Sorry not sorry.

Sorry, can’t hear you from the victory screen. Type louder.

Oh, I see you are still playing your Nintendo Switch.

Oh, I see you are still playing your Nintendo Switch.

I have every console and 3 PCs because I have money, like the winner I am. Win in game and real life, nothing new.




One day I can explain winning outside of the game for you.

One day I can explain winning outside of the game for you.

I can’t hear you from my private yacht.

I am yet to see a GD thread where “P2W” is used correctly, because out of the hundreds of “P2W” threads, none of them can point to something that is actually P2W, since this game does not content any such element.

You are one funny kid.

You are one funny kid.

Thanks, boomer.

Under this definition most P2W games wouldnt be P2W either rofl. Im assuming you WoW types never dabble in other MMOs like…ever… Because WoW has 100% taken P2W models and put them directly into their game. They are probably smiling from ear to ear knowing most of you are too stupid to realize it. Ez bonus $$$!

If you can’t stand the scrutiny don’t necro the thread…

OK so by definition Candy Crush is a pay 2 win game. But at the same time it is not a pay 2 win game because what are you paying for, lives? The same lives someone gets for nothing. You still end up winning, albeit it takes longer.

It’s the same with WoW, everyone has the same opportunity to raid and do M+ and get that shiny gear. You may get there faster with gold, which can also be obtained without tokens, but you can all still get there.

But with WoW, even with the shiny gear, there is absolutely nothing that you can buy with or without gold that is going to make you strong enough to overcome skill. Try it, take your tokens, buy all the best BoE gear you can find and than climb the PVP ranks, you will find very quickly that skill takes precedent over gear. Paying for gold and not always winning.

A real P2W game is where you buy that shiny item that cannot be obtained outside the cash store, something that makes you stronger than even the best person in the game, something that makes the game so easy you can run at the highest difficulty better than anyone else and end up getting even more rewards for doing so. Paying for an item and winning.

I mean, you don’t even need to spend the gold you earn on items, it could just be one token every time you go broke because you cannot be bothered farming gold, you need repairs, you need to buy mats for your own professions, you want that vendor mount, none of that will help you win.

I find it endearing that you take it as a mistake on Blizzard’s part, and not as a calculated decision that was made in order to, ultimately, bring in more revenue.

I miss being young and innocent :slight_smile:

Man, those boe corruption items just lost a lot of value with the new changes!

It’s true; would NOT have been able to WIN the Race to World First without spending massive amounts of IRL cash ( same as the Tier before…)