Pay to win game

Those individuals, like yourself, are simply ignorant of what the term means and how it is used. Just because you believe it, doesn’t make it true. Unless of course, you also lend credence to the Flat Earth movement as well?

LMAO! Yes not believing you is equivalent to the flat earth morons. You cant link a concrete definition or anything to back up your claim that p2w is such a narrow fit, just trust me bro don’t be ignorant.

You are a comedy writer my apologies.

You are quite welcome, my friend. I hope that your sarcasm is a comfort to you at night, while you cry over terms that you do not understand.

If you need more of my comedic genius to relieve your woes, please do not hesitate to ask.

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It really does matter though. Otherwise it’s not actually pay to win. You can earn gold entirely through in-game means as well. So you’re not gaining an advantage over people who don’t use the store.

This spam has existed pretty much since the game launched.

People buying gear directly from Blizzard, with no way to earn that gear through in-game means would be an actual example of real pay to win.

How about you show us a link for your overly vague definition of pay to win.

It’s literally a simple question boys. Does using real money in wow give me an advantage? I don’t care what definition you read from google, at the end of the day money will progress people in this game while there’s other games out there that there is literally zero ways of using money to progress

The definition actually predates the existence of Google, funnily enough.

You are complaining about microtransactions, not Pay-to-Win mechanics. Just because you and a handful of other ignorant players have latched onto a term that predates even Google itself does not make you right.

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My definition shared by many is buying advantages and power with real life money is paying to win.
I’m not the guy losing hair about only possibly having 1 definition for this term. Its clear here and across other games peoples tolerance and definition of p2w is pretty wide and it is actually ignorant (no meme this time) to believe otherwise. If you want evidence simply google p2w definition and look across the smorgasbord of results all with varying definitions of p2w - some with even narrower definitions than you.

I’m saying look at the context of what people are talking about here, complaints are about people buying massive advantages with IRL money and calling that p2w. The problem isnt “p2w” its buying power with money, getting upset about definitions is a distraction.

Where can we go to purchase these massive advantages? I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’m just curious on how to procure them…asking for a friend…

It’s easy! Go buy a few wow tokens to “earn” a lot of gold and then use them to buy BIS corruptions for your class and then buy a few carries with loot funnel of your choice. Heck go buy a 2.4k carry go get a transmog too the world is only limited by your bank account.

Does it give you an advantage over people who don’t use the store? Nope. You can earn gold entirely through in-game means. There’s no arbitrary limit on how much gold can be earned in a day. So all you’re doing with tokens is paying real money to catch up with other players.

Words have meaning. That’s the basic foundation for language. You can’t just throw that out the window when things are inconvenient for you.

But you’re not actually buying an advantage and that’s why your definition is hogwash.

Person A grinds up gold in-game and never touches the store.

Person B buys WoW tokens.

Both players end up with the same exact amount of gold. Person B therefore does not have any actual advantage over Person A.

Which means that it is factually correct to say that WoW is not pay to win.

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Does time just not exist or is worthless to you?
Actually ill give you a small example of why time matters, not even touching people with limited time to play.
Player A and B are the same starting skill
Player A buys BIS with tokens and then focuses the rest of their time into pvp
Player B spends most of his time grinding gold to get BIS and a little time pvp

Whos higher rated at the end of the day

So they’re saving some in-game time? So what? They still don’t have any actual advantage over the person who doesn’t buy gold.

You could have the same item level, the same corruptions, the same everything as someone who buys gold. So what, precisely, is being “won” by buying gold?

Absolutely nothing. That’s what. Which is why WoW is not pay to win and you’ve clearly never even looked at a game with actual pay to win mechanics.

I mean. I already do all that. Granted, I’m not putting a huge amount of tokens out there… 1 or 2 a week. I’m not greedy. 200k a week is plenty. But my gear score is not that far over 400. About 420. From what I’ve seen on the AH, I may be able to get it up to 440/450 if I really wanted to spend the cash.

But that really doesn’t speak to me as a huge advantage. More of a catch up mechanic for us lazy/busy people.

Grinding gold doesn’t take nearly as long as you think it does.

If your actually buying 2 tokens a week and have no gear that just means your spending gold on non power things. Of course to get higher ilvl you have to actually buy the gear with the gold you get for irl cash. 200k a week in spendings is so much I have no idea what you do with it and have no gear.

I mean, I’ve gone to the AH. I get the highest iLvl gear I can find on it that is in my price range (usually top of the pile). Maybe it’s just my server, but I haven’t seen that many things above like 435. Maybe I should check again.

Granted, I have only so much room to talk. I spend my time rep grinding and leveling alts. 420 is perfectly fine for what I need.

Well the term is “pay to win”… so if they are paying, and not winning, it isn’t pay to win.

I don’t know if you’ve played a p2w game before where you have to spend hundreds of dollars to be anywhere near the top on the leader boards because it’s literally impossible to keep up with people that are paying for power. World of Warcraft is nothing like that, it is the opposite. The better you are the less you pay.

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Another beer, for an insightful poster. :beer:

1 mil+ for a good high ilvl corruption is not a small amount of time to grind gold for. You don’t value your time and cannot see a difference when the outcomes arrive much later.

There should be 475 rings and a boe piece of armor for every class. The real kicker that pushed it over the edge is the strength of corruptions and how beneficial buying the correct one can be for your dps, but be prepared to see 1mil+++ for the correct one.