Pay to win game

This is a pretty disingenuous argument. It’s true that paying isn’t always a 100% guaranteed path to winning in 99.99% of games (not just WoW), but the term has been used because “Pay 4 Advantage” isn’t as catchy or biting.

It’s a trade off. We can either have it like it is with the WoW Token or we can go back to the old days when people bought gold illegally. There were a lot of people that bought gold back then too. Those sweatshops (yeah, the ones with all the “farmers”) were making a killing in profits.

I’d rather not have someone whisper me every 5 minutes and ask me to buy their gold.

Here is the cool thing about the WoW Token though, it does not effect how “you” play your game. Don’t worry too much about what other people might be buying with their own gold. Who really cares at the end of the day anyway? Because it does not matter to most of us what they got out of it.

They don’t really get to walk away with the fun memories of doing and achieving it by yourself and with friends. But it was their choice just like you have yours.

I think its a coping mechanism to outright deny p2w. You can just not care about it or not think its a big deal anyway but completely shutting any idea about it is weird.

The only ones that are winning are the people you’re just buying gear from without looking at your stats. Lmao.

Maybe that’s true. I don’t know. I’d have to check the AH. Still a 1.0Mil for one item seems like it would detract the P2W crowd. That’s 200 bucks for one item. I’m sure there is people out there that are fine with that, but that has to be an extreme for token buyers. It’s like buying that dang bronto mount with just tokens… I’m sure some people don’t mind, but I don’t feel that’s very representative of the system as a whole.

It would be closer to 0%. None of the hall of fame guilds spent real money for their spot on that list. There is no amount of money that can get you there. If they bought BOEs they did so through gold they earned carrying bad players (losers)

I know that Pay-to-Win doesn’t exist in Wow, so why would I need to deny it?

It’s far more telling that someone who doesn’t understand what the term means insists on telling others what it does, even though they clearly have no idea what the systems behind it would actually entail.

I literally sold an 800k gold gushing wound BoE to a Blizzcon 3s player two weeks ago, and another Blizzcon player whisper-raged at me for enabling him to pay-to-win (in retail queued arena - to my knowledge, they’re not able to use their own gear at Blizzcon) because the buyer spent a ton of real money to get the gold for it.

AOTC/M15 carries just don’t bring in enough money to finance several slots of BoE gear unless its bought using gold they’d already stockpiled - and even then, not all of them participate in those carries. Easier to just use sponsor money on tokens.

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You need to chill out with this self importance here man, its getting insufferable you aren’t nearly as smart as you think you are.
Read the context of what is being complained about and understand you can call it whatever you like, especially with a term with such a loose definition.

The actual problem is people buying power with in game cash

It’s rather interesting to me that the advice you are attempting to apply to me, in fact suits you far more. I sense that you are projecting at this point, which doesn’t surprise me given your limited experience with actual Pay-to-Win mechanics.

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Valuing time has nothing to do with it. There’s no advantage being earned by someone who plays without buying gold.

That’s the critical flaw in saying that WoW is pay to win. An actual pay to win game would have gear in the store that could not be acquired through in-game means.

People who are so quick to label WoW as a pay to win game have very clearly never even so much as glanced at a game with actual pay to win mechanics.

You shouldn’t be taking this as an insult. Saying you’re not familar with p2w mechanics just means you have good tastes in games. They are just saying that if you think Wow is pay 2 win you’ve never actually played one that is.

Exactly, thank you. :beer:

There is you get the item way earlier and with less investment required. How is that not an advantage?
Time means a lot to people, you cant play games forever.

Ive played p2w games before, just because its worse in others doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The problem people are having is with people buying power/advantages with cash, it also affects regular players despite what some claim. Its no coincidence people are selling carries/services now for wow token prices.
Lets all stop getting so hung up on terminology here.


We can start by dropping the term ‘Pay-to-Win’, as it has no bearing on the conversation itself. This alone should help make it easier to discuss the relevance of microtransactions in WoW without the needless confusion.

Chill out man

You’re projecting again, watch yourself.

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Say no to necromancy.

Hmmm I need a 15 done on an alt this week but I really don’t have the time to grind 200k gold, let me just hop over to the blizzard shop and buy myself some tokens.

Oh would you look at that now I have enough gold to buy my 15 carry for a 475 piece come Tuesday without having to spend a minute grinding gold.

Don’t know how I managed to do that since I can’t pay to win in this game. Oh but it’s just a microtransaction so it doesn’t count

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Now you’ve done it. All those pro-Necromancy players are going to swarm in here with their filthy corpses and chatty skeletons.