Pay to win game

Ah, I see that you believe sarcasm makes up for your ignorance? Not exactly an original perspective to use.

You guys look like such idiots, sitting there arguing back and forth, calling each other names, over a forums thread in a video game, that some moron necrod from 3 months ago. Sitting there calling each other “kid” and telling each other to get a life, as you both sit there acting like children on a video game forums. I really wish you could see how childish you both come off… lol


Thank you, I’m glad someone finally said it.

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There’s a lot of irony here. You keep saying that WoW is pay to win, well the same goes to you. Just because you keep saying it is, doesn’t mean it actually is.

Pay to win would only apply if the gear was being sold directly by Blizzard in the store and could not be obtained through in-game means.

What do you mean what do you win lol…

If I buy a cutting edge carry and plan it out where I have 5 reroll tokens plus 2 saved for the week on top of that I can go in and go 12/12 mythic while rerolling a total of 7 times on top of it during the run. I then buy a 5 mask horrific vision clear to get another 470 piece. Then I buy a +15 Armor stacked run where I then get 3 more 465 pieces and a 475 at the end of the week.

That’s 19 chances of 475 mythic raid loot, a 470 vision piece, 3 465 mythic plus pieces, and a 475 item in my cache with all the residuum I wouldn’t have gotten.

All that in ONE WEEK of hitting 120. But you guys are right money doesn’t buy you any advantage in wow

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Coming off on a high horse like that is much worse. Trying to insult people while keeping clean and above the rabble.

Like it doesn’t matter whether you’re buying specific items directly from blizz or not. The second they added wow tokens into the game it became P2W because that opened the door for everyone to just buy whatever content they need

Look at trade chat lol it’s literally nothing but spam of people selling every aspect of the game. If the game wasn’t P2W you wouldn’t have 24 hours a day of spam in trade. Without wow tokens people have to actually learn how to make gold, there goes the sellers

No one has ever denied this.

What you are being educated on is your incorrect usage of a term to describe microtransactions.

No, because that money cannot be used to purchase exclusive items from an in-game shop. Therefore it is not Pay-to-Win. Microtransactions, certainly so.

How does this affect you? Are you playing with this guy? If so, shouldn’t you be happy that he has good gear and isn’t some shlub that can’t compete?

If you’re not playing with him, why bother complaining about it? How about instead of looking at the negatives, you look at the positives. I’m sure you’ll be much happier in life if you do that.

If you’re referring about buying instance runs from other players then you’re fool.

If its towards the coin system then thats optional and it doesn’t contribute to pay to win.

Nothing of WoW is pay to win other than subscription.

I am out of likes, at the moment. Please enjoy this beer, on the house. :beer:

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That is the current state of things. Pay to Progress. Winning at something generally means you actually win something, like a race. What does buying a boe win you? A better Ilvl? That’s winning?!? Ofc, the fools will stretch this out and still think the dots connect to P2W…
And there we have it folks; if you wait long enough, they will counter themselves.

Like I said if anyone wants to argue the fact, let’s both level a character to 120, I’ll buy 10 tokens, the other buys 0 and we will compare ilvl and raid progress at the end of the week. I win, you pay me the $250 worth of tokens, I lose I’ll give you $500

Why do you think there can only be 1 definition of p2w and specifically be it has to be yours or they are ignorant? Crazy, go look up definition online they vary a lot its not a word you look up in the dictionary and go yep 1 definition right here its exactly as I say.
Read the context of the conversations and stop clutching at straws its very clear what people mean by p2w here.
Give me a link of your definition you say your quoting facts go on give something concrete. You might as well be arguing about people using memes wrong.

I’d take an Alexander Keith’s!!

You are making no sense, at this point. What ‘fact’ are you talking about?

That you can spend money to achieve a progression advantage over someone else? That is a fact of WoW. That does not make it part of the Pay-to-Win system model, however.

You mean Urban Dictionary? That is not a credible source of information.

The term Pay-to-Win was coined during Counter-Strike after gear could be purchased from an in-game shop. This gear can only be acquired this way, and cannot be accessed without payment, unlike regular gear.

Trying to subsume a term for your own uneducated bias does not magically change the term. What you are referring to is called Microtransactions, which are an entirely different system of use.

It’s in the mail, priority shipping!


Lmao so I can buy my way to a clear advantage in wow with real life money, by Buying tokens that blizzard has on their store, yet you can’t pay to win. Guess we will just agree to disagree

No, thank you. Agreeing to disagree implies that I have respect for your opinion on a matter. I do not, because you are wholly wrong on your usage of the term Pay-to-Win.

No not urban dictionary any online source you see there is not one consensus on the terminology. Go on give a link of your 100% true trust me my counterstrike buddies coined it definition.
Your arguing that your definition of a term is so unquestionably true that to assume otherwise is ignorance.
People buy tokens and then power its very simple and what people are calling p2w right now.