Pay to win game

I agree 100%, Blizzard is to blame for this whole problem, by creating it and then ignoring it.

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How is people paying cash for items to help them win a game, not paying to win? i just said paying for items to help them win, hence “pay to win”.

Let me know once they start selling gear items on the shop. Otherwise, it is not pay to win.

Doesn’t matter who is selling. If you buy something to help you win. It’s still pay to win. I sense anger from you, I assume you bought BoE’s with cash and feel the need to defend yourself?

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Nope, all items that are sold in game were generated by players.

You know what they say about assuming?

Nope, that anger is coming from you because you are wrong.

Oh god you’re one of those. A forum junky, disecting posts. this is over, I have no patience for you. Ge a life.

That is all you got? You failed! I think you should:

Well you worked him out quick

OMG! I forgot the T. He won! There feel better?
Goodnight and good luck getting someone else to fall into your troll trap.

That’s not the definition of pay to win.

Is Blizzard directly selling these BOEs for cash? No? Are these BOEs only available through the store? Also no?

Then there is no pay to win occurring. Plain and simple.

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Hello I’d like to order an extra large gushing wounds hold the void ritual ty

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And you’re one of those people who assumes people have to be guilty of some imagined “crime” in order to be defending stuff on the forums.

No all items sold in game was generated by a computer script… and if you can buy gear that increases your IL from the AH by its very nature it is pay to win…

A script executed by players.


sorry bud im not…

That needs a computer to start doing so first… Game can run without people… People cant run without the game… So there would be no script…

Yes you are wrong! You have always been able to buy higher ilvl gear from AH even in Vanilla!

Yes but you wernt able to buy gold then in the volumes you can now… Hence pay to win…

Let me know how to get gear without someone looting it first.

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Craft it? Duh