Pay to win game

Easy, go on every server see if they all have them. I know they don’t, so it’s not Blizzard selling it at all. How someone chooses to spend their gold is something Blizzard has never had control over. You can grasp at straws, attempt to draw lines all you want, all this shows me is that you have never played a pay to win game at all where you can buy end game gear from their store. The few slots that these BoEs fill are not even close to a full set or game breaking as plenty in this thread will have you believe.

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Is this guy dumb or somethin ?. You ever played an actual P2W game before

Are you dumb or something? There are different levels of pay to win. Extreme games and suddle, if you cant see this is a gateway then good on you for having your head buried in the sand.

Cant help you if you don’t understand where they are going with this. This isn’t some mistake these people get paid a lot of money to think of these systems. Sad part is it isn’t even a new system.

Fair enough

That’s irrelevant. When will you find a top 100 raiding guild on a dead server? Likely never.

You’re not listening, they aren’t spending raw gold earned by themselves in game. They are spending $40,000 recived from a personal loan from a bank…why are you purposely ignoring this point? Is it because it kills your entire argument?

It’s not about the gear slots per se, it’s about having the full level 3 (extremely powerful - 30% of your dmg powerful) BiS corruption peices being purchased by IRL money.

You can slot and stack lvl 3 stars in two ring slots, feet, leggings, belt, hands and wrists. That’s at least half your gear slots?

Just yesterday Preach was talking about a mythic raider who had to swap from his massively geared boomkin to his untouched hunter alt for the immunities hunter provides needed on a certain fight. Hunter then promptly opens his mailbox, gets all this mythic level gear full of corruption, his guildmates bought for him and then proceeds to out damage most of the raiders on the fight…how isn’t that pay to win…jesus christ use some logic.

You don’t have to be top 100 to get a trash drop, so to quote your asinine remark, irrelevant.

I’ll quote Akston on this one, it’s hilarious how misinformation is spread, but then again not shocked by your believing everything you read here. Shows how you do your research.
Limit said they went into gold debt. I will actually post a source, something you seem unable to do

And you lost me there, when you take a youtubers word as gospel, especially that has been banned for cheating, who literally will dump on Blizzard at any given turn to cash in on outrage culture, I know there point in ever trying to have a discussion with you.


buying gold with real money to effect the game is p2w.

By that logic Every game is pay to win then.

Without paying real money to access the servers, you can’t get any gear.

WoW confirmed P2W.

Ah I see, you’re basically admitting your argument has no substance and you have no way to defend the scenario that happened live on air, that’s why you went on a rant about a world first broadcaster you dislike.

Cool thank you for letting everyone know.

/discussion over.

When were you ever taking part in a discussion? You flailing your arms in the air and saying it’s the this way because I said so has what to do with dialogue exactly?

Yeah, you keep doing you, ignore all the others who have pointed out tons of facts to you. You even go so far as to play a game of telephone, you read something here and assumed it true, I do find that humorous on it’s own. Look at you quoting the part you think fits your narrative.

I am not insane, you see, when I encounter a mountain of unreasoning I walk away. No point on beating my head against it. Happy Gaming!

Seems like everyone here has a different idea of exactly what pay to win is or isn’t. P2W is a concept where a game dev creates a valuable resource with in the game. That resource is then made extremely rare and requires hundreds of hours to farm / aquire. At the same time your also given the option use IRL $ to skip the farm process.

This is a perfect description of the corruption system. Its made extremely powerful so everyone wants it. Its then made extremely rare through multiple layers of rng. Right item, right slot, right corruption, right rank. No player control over what and when you get it. If you wanted to get 60 corruption worth of the same % stat from all sources, you are currently looking at a 10,000 hr plus dungeon grind. At the end of which, there is a large probability that you still wont have reached your goal.

Compare that against your local AH. Every boe that’s not a ring is 100% corrupted. Rings are 30% corrupted. You’ll get to 60 corruption of % stat from all sources not only much faster but with 100% certainty. Neither of which are possible by just naturally playing the game.

This is an was an extremely effective marketing strategy to sell wow tokens. Its working better than could have ever been expected. Prices over the past 90 days on tokens are down 25% in the US, 30% in EU, 35% in Asia. Directly related to the launch of corruption gear and a massive new supply of purchased wow tokens.

Like the Ah corruption, you can check the token price history for yourself at wowtokenprices dot com / extended-history
Set date range to past 90 days. Its preset at 30


Too bad in two months it doesn’t matter because the hall of fame is done(unless you’re alliance), people have farmed super high PvP rankings with their broken corruptions and the people who got nothing but poop the first two months have quit(it’s like Legion Legendaries at the start of Legion all over AGAIN!)

Pay to win or not, the biggest issue with all these stupid “systems” the spreadsheet devs like to implement is the acquisition of game changing items/abilities. Pay 5 million gold to get your BiS socketed 475 tier 3 infinite stars piece or farm farm farm farm farm and hope you hit on that 1-2% of getting the right corruption on a piece of gear. No one would care about “p2w” if they could spend corrupted mementos to corrupt items. Just copy enchanting from the Elder Scrolls series, cleanse a corruption with Mother and now its learned and she can put that corruption back at any tier for a price.

I fixed corruption but broke their endless gameplay loop so it will never happen.

this was always a nice system.

your could recover from RNG there. DId it just give you a crap item with a great enchant? Rip it off, learn it and apply to what you actually wanted it on.

For all of you trying to say this is not a pay to win game… all you need to do is google corrupted boe’s for sale and will be taken to websites that are selling them for cash. Check your auction house, I have been watching mine. Almost immediately after one is put up, it is bought. We are unable to obtain these boe’s because these people are watching the auction house’s and buying them so they can resell them for real world money. That is pay to win, that is against tos.

wow tokens. races are such a small factor.

People breaking the rules doesn’t mean the game is pay to win.

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People are paying for BoE’s with hard cash. That’s pay to win. Stop being blind and in denial.
In fact it’s the exact definition of it.

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The problem isn’t corruptions being boe, the problem is the fact that WoW tokens exist. Please point your finger in the correct direction.

In fact, you are wrong. Also, thank you for the necro!