Pay to win game

Thats not p2w lol, everyone can get tons of gold while playing. P2W is let me swipe my cc and obtain a full set of 480 gear. Trust me when I say this I would do it since I am coming back from two different KR cash shop p2w games :wink:

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like see this guy? hes using a extreme game as pay to win, didn’t read earlier there are different levels of pay to win.

This is a gateway that our responses are being tested on.


This is all I am asking for.

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Blizzard – Designs dumpster rng personal loot system
Players – Unsub over the course of 2 xpacs
Activison – Sub $$$ down, bad wow team!
Blizzard – Designs even worse rng personal loot system, adds 100% corruption chance to BoEs and sells wow tokens for $20. Issue Resolved
Players – ….Dude wtf, why do you hate us

I never assumed anything, and by you just straight out attacking rather than being able to hold a proper conversation and actually replying with a well thought out reply and you know facts, shows that you are just not worthy of any more of my time.
Seeya Bub

Yup fair enough Astral

Play the game and you will get good gear. You don’t need to buy BoE on the AH. Buying tokens to afford BoE gear is just crazy, I doubt many people do that, and even if they do, it won’t get them far.

all these games, all these stories, all these news articles about children spending their parents savings. So many people brag about spending money just to show off they have a great job and that spending x amount is pocket change to them.

Legislation trying to be passed in multiple countries where governments are starting to get involved, all this stuff all this stuff.

But you are correct not many are doing it.

100 whales are worth more than 1000 subs. If you havnt figured out that by now with all the other games in the news. I am envious

that you can buy with real money threw a cash shop cooked in to the UI,
and a lot of people do

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It’s just that itemization for BFA has been trash tier design. Literally the opposite of what it should be.

Not ilvl governed even. Just pure RNG getting the right affixes to rule all content. Worse than raid or die even.

Yeah, the sky fell in 8.x and drove away many people to Classic. That’s how bad it was.

The right system should be getting items that help you in the content you are actually doing. So that raiding gear is for raiding, arena gear is for arenas, battleground gear for bgs and so on and so forth. And a base + component system so we don’t have bags and bags of gear to work with.

Pay to win is essentially buying gear that cannot be obtained by any other means, like if a mount gave more movement speed or mounted combat, but could only be obtained from the store.

Buying an item from the AH, an item that anyone can obtain in game, and be purchased with gold that can also be obtained in game, is not pay to win.

Wrong, that isn’t the definition of pay to win.

Its not technically pay to win, but 99% arent going to spend 40K USD to buy gear. Theres no way they would of won the race either if they didnt spend that money.

But again its in game gold not like they bought that in tokens or with real USD so not pay to win.

Honestly Blizzard should remove BoE’s or make them simply cosmetic.

Gold has IRL value now translated from Blizz services and tokens. Method are currently in debt $40,000 value worth of gold to these guys:

They are a Gold Boosting services and perfectly ok’d by blizzard.

Take all that how you will.

But the fact is you can buy tokens with IRL USD. I’m pretty sure the Method casters were saying that Limit even needed to take out a personal loan worth 40k or so, just so that they could afford to get the gold and raid.

You shouldn’t have get a personal loan out to be able to remain competitive in a world first race.

“Pay to Win” is a Zero-sense concept. You can’t Win an mmo unless the developers have stated the conditions which need to be achieved to win. I mean, who determines the conditions to win any game? The ones who make the rules, right? Only in competitive pvp can I see it being a problem that people can pay to get an advantage. Should be “Pay to Succeed” not “pay to win” or something like that.

The arguers at this point are just arguing to argue. The info is out there they refuse to look for it, the videos are out there of preach and that other dude breaking down everything with who and what.

There are live streams of them admitting to buying wow tokens with RL money in the hundreds for pc’s of gear. Just look at the business model of any other activision influenced game and hmmm seems like that is what wow is doing with this?

They just want to stir things up for the loll’s. All we can do is bring attention to it, while the proof is just one google search away. If they are really that dense and think if you give an inch they wont take a mile in this day and age their is no helping them, and you have to move on to others. I mean you can look at some of these peoples Warcraft logs and see that they are use to being carried, so they cant tell the difference hah.

Just compare what is acceptable today vrs 17 years ago the evolution of microtransactions, this is the next logical step =p will you let it happen?

Cool sentence.

Still wrong a day later though, you can’t buy gear from the store, as plenty have told you over the past two days. I will await the inevitable vitriol that you will reply with though.

Why does it need to be from the store though?

As I said, right now as things stand I can go and blow $40k USD worth of tokens to go and kit out my entire guild with BiS muffic corrupted peices…

I can actually do that. Right this second if I had the means.

So how is that ability different if I was purchasing it just off the store?

I mean I guess other players benefit from the gold transactions, sure, but so does blizzard. You know who loses? People who want to be competitive and only rely on skill and not their bank acount…