Pay to win game

How is it a claim when 30k viewers and its posted online?

Its posted online that limit used 40,000 dollars?

Go find the stream, I mean you come in here saying they don’t do it with no sources, there have been multiple people that came in here and used that as an example.

I guess we are all making it up and you not beliving it happened trumps us.

But I am the uncredible one.

That isnt how it works. You make the claim. You provide sources. You don’t make a claim and then tell people that disagree with you to back up their sources.

Limit said they went into gold debt. I will actually post a source, something you seem unable to do

They stated their “gold debt” is worth about 40k tokens. Not that they used 40k in tokens.

WIthout sources, yes. You are the uncredible one.


Win what, exactly?

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I don’t have too, im not here for what you are trying to push. its out there, if people cared about it they will find it. I am just trying to voice that I don’t want the game to go to this buy overpowerd items way.

But people like you come up here and do not read the paper trail, your questions have been awnserd in past post. Go find them

You are obviously cool with people spending Real life money to get Powerful items to get an edge and do not consider it Pay to win.

You are blizzards target audience, don’t be surprised in a couple years this becomes the norm like all other activision games.

Ok. I will just dismiss it. Considering the source I post contradicts your claim.

Not how it works.

I never said that.

Please focus on the words I am saying and don’t make up things about me like you make up Limit using 40,000 USDs.

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K, you are correct and everyone else that has said it is wrong.

All I am saying is I showed you an actual source. You are making claims.

Feel free to prove me wrong. Apparently the information is so easy to find and its out there.

You could have shut me up long ago by posting a single source.


Im not your gopher I can care less if you belive us, the vids out there its been streamed . im not here for you, what part of I don’t care about your opinion bc of your last post to discredit everything anyway you can with retarded arguments don’t you understand?

You don’t play the game at a high enuff level where I can even explain the difference of things to you.

You don’t care if we believe you. Yet youve spent how many posts in this thread trying to get people to believe you?

You don’t either.

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I didn’t say multiple people, I said you =p

But I am not the only person able to see that you have no clue what you are talking about and are merely making up things.


ha, okay hold on and lemme collect something real quick.

^ on this one specifically, it’s helpful if you give them a link.

^ you didn’t read my past posts when you and I “argued” based on how you reacted to my commentary.

What baffles my mind is that, Astralmoon, you have posted some really good arguments. A lot of your ideas and opinions are very valid.
Your constant insults make people not want to interact with what you have to say. You had raised a good point against me, for example, but it didn’t dismiss my opinion. So instead you turned to insults, and I let the conversation die.
If you want to change minds, you have to bring more to the table than your personal beliefs. You need to appeal to them while showing them your way of thinking.

I still think it’s not p2w, because I have not seen conclusive evidence that paying money gives you an advantage over a player that gold farms. People just tell me “well I’ve seen it!” Like great, SHOW ME. Don’t just tell me like a game of telephone.


Well you clearly do because you continue to engage with him on this point, a point that I might add he provided proof that contradicts what you said. They borrowed the equivalent of 40k tokens, not that they purchased them. They borrowed most of the money from other guilds, with the agreement that they would pay them back once they started selling “carries”.

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if you look at the arguments, its the same people that posted here multiple times over days the same thing.

It gets tireing awnsering the same question, I honestly thing those what 3 x I called someone a daft, blizzard target audience, and I dunno something else. were the same people just coming in here to provoke people.

Too bad you’ve never actually answered the one question that would make everyone shut up.

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it has been awnserd, you just do not like the awnser.

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You dodged the question by refusing to back up your statement.

That wouldn’t last as an acceptable answer for anyone in middle school.

Telling other people to back up your own wild claims is not an answer.

I get that these forums can be frustrating, but it’s not hard to keep things friendly. I was thoroughly interested in what you had so say, and still am even now.

But I just won’t engage with people that have no hand to show. As I said earlier, my mind isn’t 100% made up. As with a lot of people, if we see something tangible, we’ll agree