Pay to win game

They can attempt to manipulate things and try to steer it, but ultimately the prices that we see on the AH will be determined by players. No matter what Blizzard does with the prices that they have a direct say on, the actual in game economy will remain entirely under the players command unless they decide to change how the AH works and add trade restrictions to force players into a price guideline that they want.

Doesnt matter. This is old news. And boes were powerful in vanilla like staff of jordan.

You are missing the point entirely, we set the prices but they set the token price, so the higher the price the more tokens you have to buy.

People are willing to spend retarded amount of extra income, it is no different than golfing or any other hobby. Obviously wow is their hobby.

If you are going to spend 140 bucks on tokens for 1.3 mil gloves whats another 60 bucks as the wow token gold keeps going lower and lower?

Stop playing retail and play classic. Better game.

The only reason why gold inflation is high is because of blizzard. The garrison set the precedent and removal of reagents and class training.

Pay RL money for WoW Token.
Sell WoW Token for gold.
Use gold to buy BiS or HIgh Power Gear.


Then again this statement coming from you doesnt surprise me. You barely know how to write a post, let alone write one that makes sense, or isnt berating someone because they make a better point than you do.

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They do not understand there are diff levels of pay to win, there are unquestionably games out there that are waaaaaay more pay to win.

But again, this is more of a gateway they fail to realize.

No one cares when you pay 800 bucks in tokens for a AH mount, we only care people are spending thousands for gold to buy items that will one shot you in pvp and make your char more powerful in game to have an advantage.

  1. they have directly stated that the price is on an automated system that is adjusted based on player purchases and listings.

  2. they can have legal action taken against them if it were to be discovered that they were in fact manually adjusting the price without announcing it to the player base.

  3. there has already been multiple class act law suits filed against them about speculation of tampering with the system, at least one of which has an open investigation pending.

It is not worth the risk. But sure, they can control the prices of tokens if they so desire. Also, they do openly announce that they have adjusted the price when they do so. Just look back at when they intentionally dropped the price back to 55k at the very end of WoD. They made changes to curb how much currency was added to the game and forced the token back to a lower price point to reflect the change. It was not done in secret, it was very publicly announced.

you are a sheep if you think they are telling you the truth :expressionless: EA said that, then in the senate they admitted they manipulated the %'ages to what they considerd acceptable standards

Imagine this day in age takeing a companies words as 100 % truth.

they can publicly announce anything they want, WC3? “cough”

there are multiple examples of this nba 2k19 WC3 ect ect ect

actually , all the games I can think of are activision games… what does WoW fall under?

And companies have been getting sued left and right over lying to their consumers. The harder they try to cover it up the worse it ends up being for them in the end when the truth gets out, and it always does. Even several companies that closed down before they ever saw a day in court over their lies have been learning that lesson the hard way.

We live in a day and age where businessmen think they can lie and cheat their way to the top, try to, make it as far as they can, and then have everything com crashing down on them as their consumers retaliate over their lies.

I am not defending them, I am just pointing out that sure they can do this, but it will come back to bite them if they do.

Also, I’m not blindly believing that they are being truthful either. Honestly I assume they are always lying.

you think they are not making enuff profit to keep doing it? I am looking up red dead online and well it falls under take two and well guess what? thats apart of activision.

So activision, in just 5 games I can think of off the top of my head, is doing what you said they are not allowed to do and are currently being sue’d but… are still doing it.

They are making more money than it is costing them in fee’s if they are even getting fee’d

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I can assure you that most of the playerbase could be given a full 475 gear for their characters tomorrow with BiS azerite traits and corruptions and still wouldn’t be capable of killing a mythic boss, time a +10 dungeon or get to 1,800 rating in PvP.

Gear doesn’t mean skill.

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its not about the highest level, the bis gear isn’t going to get you into method or limit at that level.

Its the medium game its a game changer, the 10’s 15’s and arenas up to some point.

My friend who pvp’s says 1 pc of the right cor gear can get you a 2k rateing alone if it procs when you disc.

Arenas from what I hear is the worst since everyone scales to each other.

So what happens when a good player gets this? you cant kill em unless you have one too. RnG not in your favor? wowtoken 200 bucks you can compete where you should have been able too w/o the item.

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This really does not help your claim that it is pay to win. It can be seen as buying power, sure, but it’s not pay to win. You bought gear to try to be on par with someone who got lucky with RNG… you didn’t buy an advantage. They had the advantage and you closed the gap. No advantage was bought.

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RNG is equal playing field, I don’t like corrupted items period. Spending 200 bucks is pay to win.

And if you are ok with someone having to pay 200 bucks to get the RnG I cant help you.

You are the target audience this game wants.

I gave you 5 other games as an example, they all happened to be apart of activision.

They are creating that gap for you to spend that 200 bucks with this patch. They are testing people like you being ok with it so they can keep on doing it.

There is a reason wow has lasted 17 years, and not doing stuff like this is one of them.

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Also I am just going to say this flat out…

You people will never be happy with any of the systems Blizzard has been trying to add lately. Personally I am not happy with them either, but making accusations like this is not conducive to getting them to go back to systems that we enjoyed and preferred. You don’t like multiple layers of RNG, so they make it possible to buy buy and sell some of the items that get corrupted to give you an option to not deal with RNG… granted the player driven economy was guaranteed to put insane prices on the gear. The worst you can truly fault them for on this one was being short sighted… it didn’t take a genius to say “the economy is run by greedy players, nothing good will ever be affordable.” That should have been a foregone conclusion.

Also, I have personally bought a grand total of 0 wow tokens. And I will likely never buy one either. Not with gold or cash.

I don’t really understand how its accusations when they admitted before multiple goverments trying to regulate them that they do it.

They do it in other games that they own, and they are obviously trying to transfer the business model into wow.

People wanted titanforgeing gone and they have replaced it with something thats much worse and a gateway to other much much worse things.

The wow token itself is a necessary evil, but in this patch they have transformed it and you just don’t see that.

No one cares if you spend 800 bucks in wow tokens for a AH mount or use it to buy consumables for the month due to not wanting to farm gold.

These cor items… are a different ball game. they directly influence gameplay.

If you cannot comprehend the difference I don’t know man just do what you do to have fun.

if nothing is said they will transform this game.

Honestly can’t say 100% if they will or won’t. But I highly doubt that they will have a major impact on anything outside of the high end raiding guilds that fight for world firsts. And for them, the damage is already done and nothing short of a rollback and refund will change that. People always put way too much stock in the actions of the 1% believing that the tiniest thing that impacts them will have huge cascading effects on the rest of us. Time and time again it is constantly proven that the rest of us players keep moving forwards as if nothing had ever happened, the impact on our play and experience is negligible. Small things like this are not worth fretting over.

If it does end up creating a cascade effect and the player base at large feels effects from it. Then I guarantee people will be up in arms about it, and the more level headed individuals like myself who are not willing to jump on the bandwagon at the slightest provocation will be in full protest mode hoping to bring about a positive change.

and 100’s thousands or millions or 10’s of millions of dollars later instead of preventing something that people said was coming.

months later when the rest catch up and realize that there is a problem and blizzard has already changed the meta 10x They will step out and change it to be the good guys in your heart again.

You are the target audience.

No I just refuse to subscribe to the current dogma of outrage society. Someone makes a small mistake, or makes a change that you don’t like, or does literally anything you don’t like, and it’s an outrage. I can’t wait until society moves on to the next thing and leaves outrage society to be buried under a rock where it belongs.

I don’t believe that something shouldn’t be done to prevent a bigger problem beforehand if it can be avoided. I just think ya’ll are blowing it way out of proportion. Could it cascade into a bigger problem? Maybe, it’s not impossible. But will it? Probably not, so far we only have the actions of a few to base things on… a few who are notorious for dropping hundreds of thousands on any slight numerical advantage they can manage every single time a new raid opens up.

Method spent $40,000 on BoE corrupted gear… who cares? They spent $200,000 to faction swap for the first raid, then spent it again to swap back the next day because the numbers weren’t actually there… you can’t base assumptions on their spending habits they will always spend huge sums when raids come out.

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