Pay to win game

again, the one common trend of people who dont believe the endgame is P2W are the people who are objectively the worst at this game. LFR heroes or people who havent even come close to a purple parse, telling everyone how irrelevant corruption gear is and that P2W doesnt exist in WoW. meanwhile the people who know what they are talking about and have been involved in the endgame since vanilla (Method, Limit Complexity, Dratnos, etc) universally are agreeing that P2W is becoming massive in BFA


I wouldn’t say worse at the game, just not in a competition level. They havnt hit that point yet or ever will due to how they choose to play the game.

But, they also think the way they play the game is the only way to play it and no one else plays it differently. So when there are issues that they do not knowingly know affect them and will affect them in the future they feel the need to voice how people are playing wrong.

Let me point out how ridiculous your standpoint is.

Two players: Player A has 1,000,000 gold just sitting in their inventory, player B bought a few WoW tokens and now has 1,000,000 gold in their inventory. Both have 1,000,000 gold to spend.

Two identical items on the AH priced at 750,000 gold BiS BoE chest plate for both players with an amazing corruption effect.

Both players buy the item.

Who has the advantage?

Do you see how ridiculous your claim is? Neither player has an inherent advantage over the other. One may have spent real money on their 1,000,000 gold, but that purchase didn’t give them an advantage. The items they can buy with it are no stronger than what could be obtained if they didn’t spend real money. There is no advantage to be had here.

Also, let me point out that I have never had more than 200,000 gold on my entire account at one time, earning gold is a long and arduous process for me. But regardless of that fact, i can clearly see and understand that someone who buys a WoW token has not inherent advantage over me. Anything they can buy with a token, I can obtain through in-game means or earn the gold to buy myself.


thats not a good example, a lot of players only play to raid/M+ play alts and do not farm gold. I knokw a guy who has 12 120’s and does not even have flying that raids mythic.

He would spend the 100 bucks on tokens to buy that item

Look at the method/limit players, best of best greatest of the great, they admitted to spending 200 bucks in tokens to buy some of the items they had. Your example only applies to certain people, I myself have 300k gold and some gold on alts.

Lmao. What does purchasing products containing pseudoephedrine, regardless of intention, have to do with WoW? :rofl:

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Why farm gold when I can just pay 20 bucks a month for around 200kish? (I know now its like 150) thats the mentality of a lot of people

wow you’re trolling. someone earning the currency and/or gear legitimately through playing the game does not negate the fact that someone with IRL money can outbuy his entire 3 years worth of gameplay because the game has pay to win elements. not to mention, most of the corrupted gear that gives you insane advantages isnt some measly 100k chestplate. they can range upwards of 3mil and outprice what most players can reasonably obtain through actual gameplay.

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That has to do with addiction and gaming I thought it fit, I still do. Its how the corperations see us, look at the product quality of the past couple of years and we still play =p

So let’s some up your points:

  1. Selling a premium currency that can be immediately used to purchase the best gear in the game is not P2W because you didnt use the cash on the item directly, only the currency that you literally just bought the item with.

  2. If someone can save up enough gold over time to buy a piece of gear, pay to win just doesnt exist, no matter how much more gear or stronger gear you can obtain by spending actual money on gold.

  3. Being able to buy power was what people cared least about in Diablo 3’s real money auction house

so judging by those 3 points, I can conclude you havent said a single thing in this entire post that indicates you have any idea what you are talking about. you have no credibility whatsoever that you’ve ever seen WoW’s endgame before or ever played at a remotely skillful level, therefore I have 0 reason to waste my time further addressing you at all

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I have just two questions, Seriously how many people is this actually affecting I am going to go right ahead and say probably not one of you in here, if it does then I am sorry but I’d be surprised if its even 1% of the player base.
Second whats your idea to fix it, or did you just want to whinge?
I can see the only reason now its come to a head is because of popular streamers putting it out there…

YES you are a victim. YOU have been victimized by this. Tell us about it more please.

Just remove Corrupted effects from BoE’s, BoE’s themselves are fine, ones with certain affixes with that much power should not be in game.

Then there is really nothing else that gives players a decisive edge in raid spots/pvp/ect

and pretty much any mythic + guild, there are only 20 slots. some of the topper end ones are very cut throat. It also effects the lower end players, you will never get a group past a certain level, unless you are online for 15 hours a day constantly applying.

OR you buy wowtokens and pay the group with gold =p

For one, it affects anyone who raids, pushes high mythic keys, or does pvp at any serious level. that’s not just 1% of the WoW population. stop assuming everyone who isnt as casual/bad as you are is a 1% wow player.
Second, what would my idea be to fix it? How about not allow the best gear in the game to be BOE? Simplest fix right there.


Wow has been pay to win since wod. It’s a price we have to pay to guard against gold sellers.

Really it hasn’t though. Because BOE gear has never been THIS powerful in the past. When you could buy a corruption that acounts for 10-25% of a perfect parse, when it might take you months of RNG to obtain it regularly, on a mythic quality piece too, there’s a problem. BOE’s have never been this ridiculously unbalanced.


Also we already pay to play wow and there isnt a strict definition ofwinningg. I could say I am winning by being able to play wow and be just as correct as someone who says you can pay to buy gear. It’s a subjective definition. Wow isnt a winnable game like other games.

Congratulations you have just proven my point from the last part of my first post in this thread:

Your entire argument is based solely on the fact that people have deemed to associate absurdly high price tags to the items. If the item were priced lower you wouldn’t even care if someone bought it with a token or not. Admit it, it’s true.

Blizzard has no control over the prices players seem to assign to items sold on the AH. They believe in allowing the players to control the in-game economy. For better or for worse, that is their stance. They do try to control how much gold is in the economy by adding gold sinks when they can, but those measures are often disliked and subverted by the player base.

Since you will likely point to D3s RMAH again on that, the lack of control over pricing was part of the reason it was removed. Blizzard as a company could see that the player driven economy mixed with real world economy was very problematic and short sighted.

It literally does not matter if you spend $200 to get a couple million gold for an item or if I spend a month or two grinding away at professions or whatever to earn that gold in game to buy the same item. We both end up with the same outcome. There is no advantage. The only perceived advantage is time.

wow another make my own completely irrelevant/unrelated definition of pay to win to disagree with the obvious. thank you for your meaningless contribution

Actually blizzard has some control. Grey drop values, gold drops, vendor sell values, and reagents.

Unfortunately retail has like 1 reagent needed in game and the cost is negligible.

Classic wow is better.

I hope you brought your armor cause the fanboys just seen this!