Pay to win game

I am over here begging to be proven false. Such a shame. Oh well, yall have a good night.

Because they are not directly buying it, that’s why, they buy tokens which they convert to gold, they cant look down a list of things they can add to the credit card, they have to first purchase a token and wait for the item to pop up.
And you and the OP are assuming that’s what they are doing, where I can see only top end people doing it, and they sell runs for gold for this exact purpose.
We will just have to agree to disagree.

i just proved you wrong. the wow token in combination with being able to purchase the strongest gear in the game in the auction house is the direct equivalent to D3’s Real money auction house that people were furious over. Both systems came into play when bobby kotick took over blizzard activision. explain how D3 was pay to win but WoW isnt?

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Hes using a loophole as justification its not, its like Pachinko in japan. You gamble, win balls, trade balls for a doll - walk down the street exchange the doll for money.

Its not legally gambling bc there are two steps in-between.

There is no conversation to be had with people like that

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How many times does the definition of pay-to-win have to be explained before people get it through their thick skulls? This term has been definitively defined for several decades now. And it has been consistently misused for the better part of the last decade.

Pay-to-win requires that the item be purchased directly from a cash shop, is stronger than anything obtainable in game through normal play, and if an in-game method exists to obtain the item has a bare minimum time of 3 months worth of deliberate grinding required before you can even have a single attempt to obtain the item.

What you people keep calling pay-to-win is closer to “buying power”. Buying power is any system wherein you can directly purchase a powerful upgrade or item from a cash shop whether it is obtainable in game normally or not. Pay-to-win is buying power, but buying power is not pay-to-win. Both are detrimental but they are on different levels of severity.

Wow tokens border close to buying power, but they do not quite cross into that territory. While you can use gold obtained through wow tokens to buy strong gear, it is not buying power. Buying power requires a direct purchase of the powerful item through the cash shop itself.

The only reason people believe these items sold on the AH to equate to buying power is because of the high price tags associated to them and the misguided belief that the only reasonable way to afford those items is to buy and sell tokens. I guarantee that if the items had much lower prices to them there would be no debate, they would be seen as any other item in the AH, just something else to buy or not buy with your gold.

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That’s cool that you have your own method of what pay to win is. “In general a game is considered pay-to-win when a player can gain any gameplay advantage over his non-paying peers, which is shown in games such as FIFA” that’s from wikipedia. based on web searches its also the most accepted concept. the advantage you are able to gain from directly buying gold is massive. this is blatant and again, widely agreed upon by the people who know more about this game than you, me, or anyone on this sorry forum post. your whole argument is “you can buy gold in the cash shop which can then by these busted items, but you cannot technically buy the item itself in the cash shop, so its not p2w.” do u understand how insanely ridiculous that argument is?


by your definition, everyone who criticizes 2k, fifa, or any other microtransaction ridden P2W game is wrong and you’re right. because apparently paying cash for a currency that lets you gain obscene advantages isnt P2W because technically you didnt use cash to buy that item directly. your logic is sound and everyone else is wrong.


I agree with your whole post, but this bit especially, the pay to win experts though will come argue with you.


They just want to be right, like that dude in with the parses I can break down parses for him the diff between a mythic single boss fight with breaks in-between for mechanics vrs PVP vrs Mythic + vrs ect ect ect a static no break fight like that football lady.

But it would be way to over his head to comprehend with his in game knowledge.

Some people no mater what you do or say will always find a loop hole =p Best that can be done is just give them a warning.

This is going to evolve into something worse, they are just testing with this. If the past year + hasn’t shown I dunno they got their head in the sand

Always an awesome source of 100% accurate information and one that you 100% must quote to show you’ve check at least the first two or three heading in google.

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D3’s real money AH was a complete mess to begin with. People were furious over it for numerous reasons, the least being the buying power aspect of it. But on that front, it was very detrimental due to the seasons leaderboards being constantly flooded with people who had excessive amounts of real world cash to spend on high tier items from previous seasons. The largest complaints were in regards to the more finite nature of many items if purchased for a hard mode character, combined with the absurdity of prices that people were able to list things for. It was removed for good reason. The whole thing was a giant black mark that scarred the game and practically killed the franchise.

youve gotta be kidding me. you did not just say that the thing people had the least concern with regarding the RMAH in D3 was the buying power aspect of it… you are kidding.

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universally every post I saw when i googled pay to win expressed the term as being able to spend real life cash to gain an advantage over someone who does not. its really not that hard of a concept.


D3’s ah was pay to win because it sold gear from the game for real currency. Where does WoW do that? It doesn’t nor has it ever, you can get gold for selling a token that’s it. Blizzard does not control how you spend this gold.

Your attempt to prove Akston wrong as much as you like to see it as a win, it is not at all.

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your logic is so wrong its mind-boggling to believe you’re not trolling. how is selling a currency for real life cash and allowing that currency to immediately obtain the best gear in the game not P2W? where is this hilarious concept coming from that only buying an item directly for cash the only thing that supports being P2W?


I am going to sell this Beth head some cough syrup, I know hes going to use the cough syrup for things other than that nasty cough he has. But well he needs the cough syrup.

so if Fifa or any other sports game has a currency that lets you buy maxed out players in their version of the endgame, and these players give you a massive advantage, and you buy that currency for cash to obtain those players, is Fifa not play to win? how is it 2020 and people with access to electricity still have no idea that buying a premium currency to obtain the best xyz in the game is pay to win?


Can you get a full set nope, so hardly best gear it’s a piece. You have been able to buy BoE’s that are best in slot since Vanilla, this is not a new thing. If you could only aquire said pieces by buying it from Blizzard that is pay to win. When people can attain them from just playing or shockers actually having that gold which plenty do without a token it’s not.

Sorry they are sick? What does this have to do with anything?

On that note, much like your predecessors in this thread earlier, you are sorely incorrect and I am sure you will carry on your “points” til the sun comes up, I however have to work in the AM, so happy posting and sweet dreams when you all get there.

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you sell them an item knowing what they will use it for, its not a hard concept, the one word I wanted to use is censored.

and by your definition no game is pay to win out there bc you buy there own in game currency to purchase items from the store. So there is no direct cash option. I cant even think of a game where there is a direct cash option.

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See this is how I know you’re trolling. There is a huge difference between letting there be BOE’s vs Blizzard themselves selling the currency, and making the BOE’s a massive, virtually mandatory upgrade for 99% of the playerbase who hasnt been lucky enough to get a perfect rank 3 corruption.