Pay to win game

It is not a handful, and even if it was just a handful the money from that handful is worth more than 1000 players that just pay the sub.

How many guilds are paying 275+ million in gold to outfit their entire raid team for mythic raiding?

You are limiting it to just the guilds that are vocal about it, what about the people that are not? all those 3k io M+ pushers, casuals that want to put up high numbers? the average player? The applicant that wants the raid spot. You are looking at a very narrow line.

The PVP’r that wants to one shot people? I can go on for hours

Because when most people think “win” in an rpg, they are thinking maxing out their damage/healing output, their ilvl, etc. It’s not a new idea. so when you have a system like corrupted gear thats so unbalanced, and so RNG dependent, that people can just use cash to buy what you might not see for 6 months, its pay-to-win. its not even remotely a hard concept.

Add in every single top IO pusher you want. That is still an extremely small handful of the playerbase.

Cool. You added like 2 more people.

yes you are right only two people :expressionless: you know your argument makes you look like a troll?

its far more people than you obviously can imagine

And what is your argument exactly?

That there are tons of hypothetical people probably doing it?

nothing really hypo about it when you have televised people admitting to it and hang out with a bunch of people in a community that does it

It sounds like you’re a super casual player who has no concern with min-maxing or playing this game at a remotely high level, and you’re criticizing people who are saying that the endgame is pay to win. yeah if you’re an AOTC raider who doesnt want to push cutting edge or push keys over 15, it might not be pay to win. but you’re not concerned with min-maxing or “winning”, so you’re debating about things that dont concern you

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You’ve explained how WoW is p2w better than most people who aren’t in denial.

I know you lack the ability to comprehend it but take it from me it’s quite impressive.

No. Its incredibly hypothetical what you are pushing. Yes. Some people pushing for world firsts/world bests in raiding, m+, and pvp may be doing it.

And that has always happened. Before corruption gear, top guilds paid lots of gold for BOE the week raiding opened.

And as I understand it, most of the gold Method/Limit paid out will be repayed in gold. They didn’t buy $50k worth of tokens.

That completely negates the entire premise being laid out here.

what pc of gear prior to this corr gear did 30 to 60 % of someones damage?

As long as real life currency can buy gold, and gold can buy the highest quality gear in the game (so unbalanced in fact, that the gear becomes mandatory for cutting edge), then the game has extreme pay-to-win elements. again, you have all green/blue parses. you aren’t remotely involved in playing this game at a high level but are so adamant about debating people who are pushing cutting edge or who do min max, what the endgame is really like. dont debate about something you know nothing about

This game has always been pay to win.

pay your subscription every month, everybody wins.

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I like how you just jumped head first into trying to insult me. I am sorry I am not cool like you and able to cross the line from “super casual player” into a high level playing by being able to beat a full 2 extra bosses in EP.

So do you feel every single MMO in existence, as well as WoW since it launched with classic…every one of them are pay to win games?

no. not every RPG out there allowed you to pay real cash to literally buy the best gear in the game. was diablo 3 on release when the real money auction house launched pay to win? OF COURSE IT WAS. what makes this any different?

If you look at most games they failed due to practices like this, wow has done well for 17 years, this is only a very recent thing with this patch. I do not like the way it is headed.

What MMORPG out there can you not buy in game currency with real life currency? As far as I am aware, every major one you can. WoW has had people doing it since it launched.

there’s a difference between an underground market that will get you banned and a company actively participating in it.