I mean you can earn enough gold to get tokens to trade for account balance to get a level boost. But does that really give anyone an advantage over someone who didn’t get a level boost? /S
Soz my LFR time is already full carrying lesser geared and skilled players while i test out random prot warr builds and log them for fun, not gold.
Side note - i might join an aotc community that also doesnt trade in gold to provide carry services to those who cannot afford to line my pockets in that fat cash.
Do titles give an advantage to those that don’t have those titles? What about a mount the moves just as fast as your first ever flight mount? What about a battle pet that you most likely won’t use against any other player? Or what about a toy that does literally nothing for you or anyone?
Very pay to win if you ask me, only the FINEST gold pieces can obtain these extremely useless things.
That’s the literal definition of p2w. An advantage.
You can’t “complete” WoW.
You can’t “win” at cosmetics. So try again.
You’ve said nothing to be even remotely correct on the term ‘p2w’.
What you have been defining is p2skip content. IE raid carries, m+ carries, pvp win trading.
Thankfully wow requires skill to play, especially the upper end game content. If they sold gear in the store for $$$ that would put you at that level WITHOUT the skill or above them, then that would be p2w.
Because you bought an unfair advantage.
I mean staring at your pixel assets gets exhausting, good thing we’re friends through the power of GOLD and surely you don’t mind me staring at that FANTASTIC transmog of yours.
I don’t know why you’re hung up about advantages and gear or more movespeed. P2W as a rubric doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve won anything, it can mean that you’ve obtained something which you otherwise would have had to wait for, or would have been gated beyond your natural abilities.
P2W isn’t pay to win per se, it’s pay to completion. That’s it. You’re hyper focusing on the word “win” when it’s so incredibly limiting and doesn’t even remotely apply to MMO’s, which don’t have a finish line, they have short term goals, which, again, can be obtained using real world money.
It isn’t. With your limited logic, no MMO could ever be pay-to-win, because new expnasions come out for them every few years, and nothing Blizzard could ever do could ever be Pay-2-Win, because progress is just reset… this is obviously very stupid and bad logic and no reasonable person would ever think this.
Oh, thank you for once again proving my point.
Trial of stile disagrees… that’s a joke, so calm down, good god.
No, but they are end game rewards which people will use real world money to purchase.
This is directed at the lot of you. I don’t think any of you really understand how any of this works. I don’t think any of you know very much about any of this, you’re just here arguing because you want to argue.