How exactly are people winning anything in this game? Is this game even winnable or heck can you even lose in this game? Why does it matter to you if someone spends money on their toon? And also how is it pay to “win” when this game doesn’t even have an end point like at all?
it’s not pay to win so you’re right. people just get butt hurt when they aren’t impacted by exclusivity (someone has X items and I don’t so I’m mad). as long as WoW continues to be a profitable game, boosts will be a thing.
if I were a betting man, I’d imagine there is a last ditch effort to preserve only rank 1 titles in both game modes but who really knows?
Well M+ and Raids even arenas bursting ppl are time sensitive events , you finish faster you win
Go to the store and you see the level booster?? what does that do ?? saves time
you buy wow tokens with $ to sell for gold
you pay carries with this gold
you clear the raid and get your bis
you win the season
works like that
but it does have seasonal model with fomo almost every patch
When you pay extra money to bypass standardized mechanics, you are paying to win no matter what your end goal might be.
It’s degenerate gamer behavior.
It’s “pay to speed through what everyone else can still get without money for one season then end up back at the beginning with everyone else.”
this is just incorrect. paying to win was coined by buying an advantage. you buying an AOTC mount with gold or money gives you 0 advantage in any game mode over any other player.
these cringe and fake integrity posts are unhinged.
if you can buy a full set of 535 gear off the shop so you instantly do mythic raids then that is by definition paying to win.
it’s not really up for debate, I was just correcting you.
Whatever it takes for you to be justify your habits to be able to sleep at night I guess.
A surprisingly good question.
Paying to functionally skip content sounds like a lose-lose situation for everyone except the guy getting paid to do it for you. And maybe Blizz if there’s somehow a token purchase involved somewhere down the line, there’s an extra $5 in there compared to a regular subscription feel.
Then again, I suppose it’s just conspicuous consumption and materialism at its finest.
P2W is a funny thing in WoW.
The only things you can buy that give your character definitive power over other players (the traditional definition of P2W) are carries, which have to be done by players who can do the content legitimately to the point where they can carry someone with zero expectations that they’ll actually contribute meaningfully to the content.
So if you “P2W”, you have to be carried be essentially non-P2W players doing the content legitimately.
What did i win exactly? What exactly did i ‘beat’ another player at by spending money? Outside of rated pvp and m+ titles and CE - everything is attainable by everyone.
You buy wow tokens with $ to sell for gold, because i may not have enough time to invest into playing wow to simply earn gold.
You buy consumables, profession materials, profession upgrades, augument runes etc
Yep. No difference between the one who bought a carry or the ne who spent their gold effectively in a way considered perfectly fine within the playerbase or a player who didnt buy a token at all.
Profession items without having needed to level said profession? That falls under this statement right?
NGL if you’re fomoing then you have bigger problems in your life if you honestly think having all the pixels should be your goal in a video game.
I genuinely don’t care if people pay for carries, boosts or whatever else… if it doesn’t effect me personally, I don’t care and will never care… let people play the way they wanna play.
Pay to win by definition is paying to have an advantage over someone else through things that cannot be obtained by others through normal gameplay. If you buy several BIS item carries, another person who isn’t remotely affected by your decision to get several carries can get the same items. Largely you are wasting your money to benefit someone else so you don’t have to do the hard work. And lets be honest by the proper definition of pay to win, who are you going to have an advantage over? If you can answer that then i’d be inclined to agree that its pay to win under its proper definition.
I’m just here to watch the show.
I would more describe it as “pay to skip being social”.
MMOs have win states, when you kill a boss… youve won… when you get the armor/weapon that is BiS… youve won. so when you pay real money for a wow token then use the gold you get from it to increase your power, you are increasing your chances to kill a boss… and when you kill a boss… youve won.
Stop being obtuse.
yes but one can throw cash at the game and get everything without playing much
thats a p2w feature, if you do it you have more advantage and will gear up faster by getting carried
another example how you can just throw cash and dont bother farming it for the raid night
I stopped reading right there, it has nothing to do with me, why are you guys so dramatic and start making assumptions about someone’s thoughts, I just stated a fact: wow is a seasonal fomo game instead of an actual mmorpg
But, here’s the thing: You can only pay people who have worked up and killed the boss without buying it to kill it for you. Ergo, you’re ‘winning’ relies on the other ~18 people who didn’t pay for it.
FOMO for any game is mental instability. I’ve literally read stuff people have posted on other media sites stating that they MUST have it all because FOMO even though half the stuff they want is purely cosmetic.