I don’t personally complain, I understand that MMORPGs are an ever changing world, don’t get me wrong back in legion when prot paladins were literal gods for the first two months of the expansion, I was enjoying myself heavily and when the nerfs came round I was like “oh well, I had my fun back to being demi-god status”
people would absolutely freak out. I can see it now. we are facing one of the most pivotal American elections in human history and putting currency or boost services in the cash shop would cause an absolute epidemic probably to the likes of something we’ve never seen in a game before. holy smokes that would be WILD
Black Desert Online is an actual P2W garbage game, problems literally built into the game so they can make you buy cash shop items to make it not a problem.
Tbh I only complain when there isn’t much to do.
That hasn’t really happened since bfa.
As bad* as SL was, we had a bunch of side stuff to do and m+ was really fun.
This xpac has had an insane amount of content.
So meh. Not much worth complaining about.
Every time one of these threads pop up, I’m reminded of the F2P MMOs I poked into years back that had actual P2W mechanics.
By which I mean, like, having “cosmetic” equipment slots for gear you could only get from the cash shop, which also had stats on them.
Yall wanna see pay to win?
How would yall feel if a paid for Tmog changed how well your weapon worked. Thats Destiny 2. Certain ornaments make it easier to aim.
How about a 1k dollar package featuring the latest Class, and if you dont have the money, you can get it free for 10 accounts worth of gold cap. Thats Warframe.
WoW aint P2W.
You’re not wrong, but it has become and industry standard for AAA studios.
True. I was originally concerned about this but after reading how the season etc is delayed i have no issues. It gives an advantage to players to attain profession mats etc earlier than i, it wont allow them to gain and additional week of time gated rewards (sparks, loot lockouts) etc because they delayed that. Including heroic dungeon spam is gated to the beginning of the season.
The only advantage pre release players will have is a 3 extra days to hit max level cap, farm materials, level professions and amount gear of the ilvl to give them the highest starting point into the season - normal dungeon spam isnt really an advantage. They cannot do heroic or mythic dungeons, they cannot raid, they do not get an additional spark for crafted gear, they cannot gain an advantage with crests. Anything that matters they do not get a head start on.
I mean in PvP a player who drops hrm…a 1000 bucks on carries is going to be better geared than someone who doesn’t.
Small energy flex but I’ve known people to drop that much on trading card games and that is blatantly more pay to win.
What’s even funnier, all the complaints I’ve seen about mat advantage for selling on the ah…
They don’t realize this will just make the prices of mats tank faster once EVERYONE start leveling.
They’ll overload the ah with mats and make nothing because of all the undercutting that will happen. And it will be glorious to watch as well.
complaining to these extents is simply an attempt to control through manipulation. I would imagine blizz gives this just as much attention as it needs. the thread should probably just be closed.
tl;dr - complainers were corrected, wow is not p2w, early access is an innovative method to garner interest so people will invest in the company if they feel the value vs. cost weighs in their favor
What i even find funnier again, is blizzards history of launch issues. These players paid a premium to live test the game before the rest of the playerbase gets there.
See and I think this is the REAL reason for the 3 days.
Make some extra money and 3 LIVE days of beta testing before it goes live world wide.
More so, innovative for live beta testing prior to world wide launch.
Here’s a funny, I use to play on some private servers right, I actually had people /w telling me to stop undercutting them. I kept doing it because I don’t care and I’m making very quick gold from it because people prefer my prices in comparison to their prices, and I think I single handedly tanked the price of an item by undercutting so much over a few days that it became the norm.
Blizz: How do we adress the launch issues we ahve had in the past?
Dev: We could launch it a few days early in a live environment to make sure everything is working as intended.
Blizz: I like it. This could address huge login ques also!
Dev: Great idea. How do we determine who is allowed acces and who misses out?
Profit margin team: Raises eyebrows, smirks. What if we charged the players extra and allowed them to choose?
Blizz: …
Devs: …
Profit team: Hold my beer, lets give them beta access also, they can pay us to test the game also!!!
Not to mention, with the gold you buy with IRL money too — You can also purchase the newest BiS BOE gear to accelerate ahead of everyone far faster too.
Bro I can’t…
Here’s a funny about all this, beta and early access isn’t anymore expensive than previous expansions. The top tier pre order has always been $90 + tax depending on your state.
No more expensive no. I have been a regular part of previous beta invites except this time round no invite because i didnt pay for it.
I have been buying the $90 tiers every expansion in both show of support to Blizzard and because mount, pet, toy and transmog.