This argument is only valid if that currency isnt earnable in game from a means other than spending cash.
Nothing has bragging rights anymore, regular joe schmoe who works 9-5 can get into a competent guild and get AOTC without paying for anything. Things are easier to get than when they were relevant, I mean all things considered I got ashes my first run of said raid. Nothing achieving about that, nothing to brag about other than the fact that I got it on a whim my first attempt.
Tbh this argument for wow is all semantics.
The pro ‘p2w’ crowd thinks that the gold skip via wow tokens = p2w.
Personally… I think of actual p2w games where you can buy super op items or characters and beat players that invest time and their own resources. WoW just doesn’t fit that definition.
It’s not p2w, it’s p2skip IF you use the gold that way. But there are a lot that are salty about wow tokens and use that as a p2w model.
lost ark is by definition pay to win. you can buy currency to upgrade gear (or have a chance) and will make you more powerful than other players.
but…all of a sudden we’re silent on that part
uh huh
its faster to use the wallet instead of farming for hours
that’s true i suppose. but when it comes down to it, i can still brag that i got my armored razzashi raptor and feel good about myself.
it’s easy to get, and yes, you can solo the dungeon and get it… but it’s got a super-low droprate, and i feel good everytime i ride it, since barely anyone has it. (i’d have used invincible as my example, but everyone knows about that one to the point i don’t even consider it rare anymore, just tedious)
Joe schmoe here with my 33k ap.
My shining “p2w” moment was buying a aotc for wod because I couldn’t be bothered with the dumpster fire expansion progression and work + kid + life.
Best 10k I ever spent lol.
But I still did pathfinder with my own blood, sweat, tears. YOU’LL NEVER TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME!
The problem with all of this, is that you’re acting like Blizzard will ever add actual P2W items to the shop, most players pay $15 a month, most players will push back on actual P2W because its a thing that doesn’t exist in monthly subscription games. We have been conditioned at least when it comes to Blizzard anyway to push back heavy.
I mean if you have the amani war bear, that’s something to brag about simply because you can’t get it anymore. (I want the damn mount blizz )
well well, we’re getting there, 3 days earlier acess for tww, wow tokens…our shop have a damn scroll wheel, for a subscription game its getting worse…
Key word is faster. While you are completely ignoring the fact that its impossible to simply pay for the reward or that spending cash directly makes your more powerful and have a higher chance of success that those who earned it.
20 players all buying tokens will not all of a sudden allow those same 20 players to group up attain CE.
People like to forget HOW heavy the player base pushes back.
Know why we don’t have daily wq anymore?
Well… people complained so much that blizz made them twice weeklies. People complained about not having dailies in DF. Blizz made them dailies again.
WITHIN THE SAME WEEK they overturned that change and reverted them back to twice a weeklies because they got so much backlash.
WoW players complain. A LOT.
Early access to games has been an industry standard for high end pre orders for the past several years. Tokens were a literal copy paste from runescape who added bonds in an attempt to curb RTM.
it works indirectly by wow tokens
iam not saying its their only funcionality, but can be used as p2w for players
a multiplayergame where you can get ahead of everyone else in 3 days and incentive a bad game culture
also true. but i think that’s what… whoever you were arguing with originally (i’ll be honest, i only noticed your arguement after i did my little joke-post) was trying to say. that anything you can pay for that used to be earned, even if it was’nt much of a challenge, that the feeling of accomplishment, and the bragging rights it entailed, were being ruined by folks just paying for’em.
that’s it. that’s all i got. that’s my 45-cents (went beyond my original 2-cents). hope you have a good one.
A standard that sux basically. It created an enviroment of a release date for those paying a premium and access to those who cvant afford it later access.
This isnt early access - it delayed access for those who do not want to pay a premium.
No it does not. You could have gold cap earnt without tokens and purchase the same things as if you earnt that gold via tokens.
Personally when I have the extra cash, I’m going to pre order the highest pre order bundle, not because of the early access but because of the extras.
So you buy a run?
You can’t buy better gear than anyone else.
You can’t buy the gear outright.
You pay for a run. You still have the same rng as everyone else. It also takes the OTHER players carrying you.
I don’t think you understand what “p2w” means.
Wow doesn’t have anything in it that you can “p2w”.
P2shortcut by paying other players to carry you lol.
Ahead as in level and farm mats?
They already stated dungeons are locked. Major end game progression is locked. I do believe profession progression is locked as well? But I could be wrong.
All you really get is 3 extra days to do the story and farm mats.
I’m going to use mine to level my main so I can level this hunter with friends and not have to worry about leveling my main separate.
Considewring we are in a p2w thread - imagine the outcry if buying the highest bundle also gave you actual p2w - eg 20% additional stats above what others could achieve if they didnt buy it.