It can be speed advantage or even obtaining something hard or difficult to obtain in game.
It is more obvious in PVP but it is a problem in PVE.
It can be speed advantage or even obtaining something hard or difficult to obtain in game.
It is more obvious in PVP but it is a problem in PVE.
I’d like to see what competition there is to be won by paying that cannot be achieved through in game methods. Show me the pay to win
People just keep changing what pay 2 win actually means to get angry over carries that don’t effect them
It is called P-V-P.
Next time I will bring out the crayons.
Only thing I have against boosters is they don’t disclose this information before wanting to do arenas. Now all of a sudden I got a back peddling clicker I have to try and win for!
No one cares about PVP, PVE gear in PVP is bad.
Pay 2 win in PVE is bad too.
It means one player is benched while the other is able to play the game because they used gold/money.
You’re missing the mark by a thousand miles. Nothing is being won.
That goal is not to win but to educate.
I am blessed to be able to help you.
PvE is meaningless. It’s all Single Player, even if you do it in groups only your power matters to you. PvP actually has a reason to care.
You’ll need to help yourself before you can help anyone else if you still truly believe there is anything to be won in WoW. Paying for gear won’t win you MDI’s. Paying for gear won’t win you PVP tournaments.
This is the only game I actually wouldn’t care if they sold gear in, as long as it was still on the weekly curve they have set. It’s so easy to max gear, and even then, it’s easy to destroy people in amazing gear if they don’t know how to play.
People that use pay 2 win are not looking at MDI or tournaments. You need to look lower.
As I mentioned before, I outdps’d a 500 ilvl hunter as a 480 warlock.
“People who pay carries don’t do MDIs or tournament” Great, sounds like they’re paying to lose then
Those 20 Ilvls are actually insane too, compared to thinking “oh just a 20 dif” nah it’s like a whole person and a half.
Single player? If you are benched and the other person used gold/money that is no longer a single player game. WoW is always a MMORPG.
PvE is still eeeeeaaasy and scaaaaaled and baaaaalanced. You can watc ha video on how to 100% PvE. Watch a video on how to beat me in a duel. ^_- Won’t find one.
It’s simply a key part of what it means and boosting isn’t a problem in itself. There are people who play the AH and know how to get gold. But there are also ppl who buy tokens for whatever reason and one of those reasons do lead in that direction. It’s their preoperative, but the definition fits and I don’t really see the point in obfuscating that. It is what it is.
I don’t see the point in caring about keeping this ancient husk of a game pure. Just enjoy it and stop worrying about other people, unless they hurt you directly. Focus on your own happiness.
Unless it’s about addons. Remove all Add-ons. Also help Shamans, they need you.
Im accepting of the pay to win aspects buying gold brought in. I dislike it but i get it. Its the cope about it that gets me.