A guild group that doesn’t know the fights or mechanics can’t clear a mythic raid. Even if they could purchase full BIS.
I’d argue they can’t even clear a heroic raid in full BIS without knowing the mechanics.
And if they DO know the mechanics, then they wouldn’t even need full BIS to do it. But yes it would speed them up. So that’s really all buying full BIS would do, is speed up progression.
That it self doesn’t typically fall under the P2W category, since it’s not sanctioned by the company here, and could even be banished outright.
The P2W that is always talked about, are the ones devs made and sanctioned. Not by the community.
Tell me a faster way to play legit without taking the 5 minutes to swipe a credit card, and i will consider this.
P2W (or gameplay affecting) is simply a catch all term for MTX like that pretty much affects the gameplay in some capacity. Pushing aside the pseudo-intelleucals that take the phrase absolutely literally as a “gotcha” or only think for themselves, it covers buying some power or currency outright directly or indirectly, or skipping or saving time, ala EXP boosters, gear, mats, pots, or skipping levels or etc.
Basically any gameplay effecting change that isn’t just a simple faction/race/server transfer swap. Those are agrumably debateable tbh. Not because of the ever increasing irrelevance of racials and how being in one community is no different in being another since their all cross realm, but more or less it’s purfose was simply to just swap things around.
In the case of Gold here, it makes nearly everything have a real world value now, esp since you can turn into blizzard balance to buy games and such. Even if gold is easy to earn, it doesn’t really smear this fact. Otherwise, there would be no people buying subs with the gold.
No. I don’t think so.
You can give as many boosts you can, but it doesn’t erase the fact it’s still a gameplay effecting MTX. A nice performative gesture only designed to soften the blow is simply just that.
And you trying to use the whole “If it has high gear”… first off, just because it doesn’t hit this subjective cap you’ve set up, doesn’t mean it’s not P2W like you’re trying to imply here. You are still paying money to what is effectively affecting your gameplay in some capacity.
Second, have we not consider that everybody else who has never been in Endgame or only been casual, know what were even talking about here? We know what high end is for us, but what about to them? And what about to them that don’t buy into this, when they see those who do buy it, get into the beginning of endgame, when they aren’t even level 70 yet, Let alone pass Heroic dungeons?
No offense, but… i don’t believe you saying you don’t consider the game being trival to worry about MTX, when you’ve made your stance on this rather clear that you’re trying to say it’s not Pay to Win.
It’s perfectly fine to acknowledge you find this topic rather important to you, given you consider it important enough to comment and give your opinion on it. Why do you think i’m not sitting here going “Oh this isn’t important, who cares”? while giving my opinion on the matter?
I don’t respect people who pay for carries as players. It also doesn’t really bother me that it’s a thing in the game, honestly it kind of amuses me because it shakes up the standard with which people can gatekeep.
ilvl requirement? Now people buying gear.
KSM required? Now people buying KSM.
AOTC? Same story
You gotta either take the time to parse my logs or roll the dice when I apply or deny me on a standard that won’t help you succeed. Either way I feel like I won.
Well they use RLM to buy the gold so yeah that is pay2win. And the boosting and gear buying with real money reached a fever pitch with systemlands and BlizZard could no long ignore it as it was taking up all the trade and general tab channels as well as group listings.
You can boost all you want, and forever be a max level laho-zaher. There is not pay to win in WoW, yet. Closest thing is tokens, and being able to afford full enchant/gems/buffs/pots but even that isn’t really P2W since you can do it so easily. Let the whales fund our game for us <3
I believe a key component of P2W is gaining an advantage via monetary means over someone who does not. Not so much the end-point which is a cop-out since that can always be shifted.
If you care someone else is levelling before you, why? They won’t get groups, people will want their IO, no one with except them for PvP without the 2K achieve. What do you think they’re earning with a boost other than being laughed at by the people they expect to carry them? Boosting is not P2W.