Pay to “win”?

I dont consider it noble at all, i consider it a mainstake of any game that involves multiple players and a tradable currency.

Professions fall under your idea of P2W because it allows you to purchase a token for money, convert to gold to be traded ingame to another player who invested threir time into being able to allow you access to profession items and gear you have not leveled/invested into.

You miss my point, tiny differences will not result in a large difference, now if you get nothing but 550 ilvl players and not mix in 556, there would be an additive difference in overall group power.

How ever when everyone has access to the same exact content and the same exact gear, the logic of pay to win goes out the window because everyone has access to it, not just those who shell out cash like they’re at a club making it rain.

i mean…again…if your lucky enough to GET the gear in the first place.

buying a carry dosent negate random drops


Which is why no one is selling boosts or carries right?

Yeah, that’s fair. But would you rather start out at normal dungeon ilvl gear or Mythic raiding gear? Even if RNG is involved. Real world money enables a person to start at substantially higher quality gear.

Buying a carry/spending money doesnt even negate the fact you can lose to a boss.


if again there lucky enough to get more than 1 or 2 pieces a week out of a raid.

in any REAL p2w fashion this would allow you to gear out completely within a week of less

People are selling those because there’s a demand for it, where there is demand someone will supply to meet that demand.

Basic economics 101. The fact that there’s demand means there are factors to result in that demand, many of which involve someone’s personal life.

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If enough people want to buy something (anything at all, it doesn’t matter what), someone else will find a way to sell it.

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There are products in real life that I never knew existed but did because there’s some kind of demand for it. I don’t remember any of it but the fact that it even exists is astounding.

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then id have to argue what is the difference between someone just selling prof mats and getting enough gold to pay for a carry?

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Which is pay to win, skip or loot.

Not a great practice for us to embrace as that’ll make the developers upstairs think they can take shortcuts in work.

We have been embracing it since the begining of this game.

RMT for gold existed long before tokens. Players want to be able to save time. Blizzard introduced a way to do it safely and securely.

Which has led to the creation of things like Diablo Immortal.

Never played it.

Doesn’t matter.

I have no doubt that they want more of em.

no. no the mobile game market led to diablo immortal


The reason why we have tokens is because Blizzard saw Jagex creators of Runescape implement a bond that can be bought with real money and sold for gold in game, bonds give a choice of 14 days of membership, premium currency for cosmetics or a premium service called runemetrics. Bonds were added to help fight RMT and it was largely successful, Blizzard adds tokens which give 30 days of sub time or $15 of account balance which can be used for anything on Blizzards shop. This was added to also help combat RMT and again it’s largely successful.

My focus is wow. What on the cash shop allows an advantage (other than saving time) over any other player in wow? What can i go buy right now that will allow me to negate failure, deal increased damage, increase my player power - over any other person that plays wow?

in fact im almost positive like…most of the money made for the gaming industry the past couple of years has been through the mobile game moarket