Pay to “win”?

But do you have an advantage over someone else who can earn the same gear as you even if they farmed that gold instead of buying tokens?

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no you cant.

not unless your going to whale wow tokens every week and sacrifice a few humans to RNGesus


Well yeah because my method is faster.

Yes, which was a bannable offense. 3rd party websites were being shutdown for this sort of thing. Doesn’t really have much to do with WoW being P2W anymore, however.

Well, if you run enough keys with a stacked comp you can law of large numbers the item you want to eventually drop at good quality (unlike raid).

But you’re not telling me how you have an advantage over someone else in a PvE setting. No one cares if you can kill jimbob mcfartface 10% faster than someone with 550 gear instead.

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i suppose thats true but id argue thats a bit more expensive. idk i dont buy carries its boring

I mean if we’re fighting for a raid spot then it might.

Going onto the store and getting a token and then selling it for gold, then posting in trade chat that you will pay for a carry is SUBSTANTIALLY faster and easier than grinding your ilvl up to appropriate levels over weeks, and eventually getting what ever end game reward you want.

You can swipe your credit card for instant rewards or work for them over a very long period of time… which one’s faster?

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Im so glad you said this. :slight_smile:

My reply in another thread similar in conversation.

And blizzard saw that no matter how hard they tried to deter people from doing it, people kept doing it.

So they tried to release their own version to cut down on the gold seller’s profits to make them less likely to continue. It hasn’t worked, but they know that removing the token will actually result in a good number of people quitting, as that’s how they can afford to play.


But in a raid setting whether its via guild or a pug, a 6 ilvl difference won’t matter because the damage difference is very small. But at the same time why is a 556 mythic raid geared player still running the raids? Beyond purely cosmetic reasons such as a mount, they don’t have much reason to keep raiding at the current ilvl.

remember the part above where i said you guys some how think that buying a carry some how negates the aspect of RNG or that you have to fight like…10+ other people for gear?

cause i think you all are forgetting about that part…again


Sorry but what you consider noble can just be bought with a swipe of my card, negating any good will you think you perpetrate by the way you sell carries.

Yeah, that’s all fair. I generally agree with everything you said there.

Not exactly. Because RNG is going to exist either way, and paying for runs just gets you into end game content that much faster, so you have to deal with RNG that much less through the gearing process. Also, some end game rewards aren’t RNG bound, you will get them upon completion of content and you can pay to do so.

Simple, because it’s fun.

Okay but by definition everyone has access to the same content and means of getting the same exact gear, you’re getting it faster and therefore burning yourself out faster simply because you have nothing else to do. By this logic its a massive L for anyone that does get a few carries.

Not the point.

I just gave you a dilemma in PvE and now you’re talking semantics which could easily be a situation where I have the $$$ and you don’t.

remember the part about RNG?

Which is P2W.

I don’t know what their mindsets are.