Patterns Within Patterns

I had Patterns Within Patterns at 98%. Went into Sepulcher of the First Ones and PWP progression suddenly went down to 56%.

Not sure if this is related, and I realize that some scaling changes had to be made to turn the quest into a weekly quest, BUT:

Is it really intentional that doing the dailies and the week’s campaign and a rare would only count 5% completion? If this is the pace of things, it would seem that it would be very difficult to complete if you don’t have the time to spend hours a day farming rares and treasures.

Yet another terrible decision made here by the blizzard team! I understand that with Patterns turning to a weekly. We would expect it to take longer. However given the fact that for half the day you let patterns remain on the old progression scale. As well as players already having the chance to turn it in on old progression scale. It is lunacy that Blizzard decided to revert players that had already progressed through patterns but had not turned in yet. Why not just let it remain and fix it on reset the next week. Seems imbecilic to me to just revert player progress with no warning! Yes apparently this was intentional! Its ludicrous