Patters within Patterns Reset?

hello, Just wanted to report, I had done all my dailies, multiple treasures & rares, the world boss and all quests in the zone. I was at 95% completion, and then I joined a Hirukon Group, and upon defeating the rare, my completion for the weekly reset to 58% completion…

I’m really confused if this is a UI issue or if anyone else has experienced the same thing. Thank you :nerd_face:


Just noticed the same thing happened to me.

Happen to me also . I was having issue mounting also .

Yep, I just had mine reset as well.

Just happened to me was at 99% had to log off and now I’m at 56% when getting back on.

Happen to me also WTH!?

I just went from 60% to 27%

Exact same thing lost over 50% of my progress after defeating the frog at the sepulchur.

This also just happened to me went from 95% done to 40%

apparently this happened to everyone in my guild too

Here to report same thing happened to me. Hit 100% ran over pilgrims teleporter to port back to Haven to turn in. When I landed at Haven it reset to 49%

Same thing happened here… I was above 60% and next I looked it was down to 38%. Didn’t do anything significant besides kill a world boss. (Zatojin)

Oops posted with wrong toon. Issue happened to my DH here

Same… Happened on this Oltevs lol

same here, very annoying

WTH my progress went from 84% to 42%

did everyone here kill the world boss? i think there’s a UI issue related to the progress from that. i appeared to get like 45% progress just from killing him and i don’t think that’s correct.

nope, I did not kill the world boss and still lost half my progress

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I killed the world boss. Maybe that’s what got reset.

Same issue as everyone else, had made decent progress, look over and back down to 16%.